Saturday, September 29, 2007
don't know why i am pretty hyper now !! =DDD
actually today also nothing to blog about,but i just felt like blogging,hahas no choice,have to respect and follow my heart =]]]
i was reading my archives and i went oh my god. == i was so ignorance.hahas.its like some crazy and childish brat.lols nevermind,let's not look at the past.^^
i was chatting with nurmatha when yeejeng sms-ed me.hai there will be drama club meeting on monday as early as 6.45am.*sigh* i doubt i will be on time.hahas.yeejeng also has no idea why we are going to have a meeting.then me and nurmatha were like listing the possibility of why.hahas it really have to be something good.i don't see any reason by ms.kaur would give us a bad news when its exam period.lols.
LOLS.what the.nurmatha's eldest sis is going to be engaged next months and married next year,she just knew today when her family were like discussing about this for two weeks.mugging too much ahhahas!she rocks.
hahas i started abit of my art.*sighs*this is mindmap is like so damn no-content.die arhs.... =[[[
hahas!valerie saw huang zhi yang at plaza today.then she called me, she said,"hello,hold on.hello?ehh erm bye bye." i was like,"????" hahas she the sms-ed me.hahas cause her mama came and her mama will not be happy if valerie called to say this kind of stuff(hey,wait!its pretty important you know!!) hahas.
last time i was like quite crazy over zhiyang siahs.heehees.and this few days i was like back to 翼势力[eastyle] craze again.hahahas!!what to do,they dance and sing so well.and ah mei is so hot.can't help it.hahas! =]]
Friday, September 28, 2007
1st day of exam.argh...!! oh my freaking god.eng paper 1 and chn paper 1.when doing eng paper it was like so torturing.don't know why,but today didn't write very smoothly.kept stucking and stuff.for the compo i did the topic talking about do i agree that teenagers should not be given too much allowance by their parents.then its like i STM first i thought some points to say alraedy,then as i wrote,i forgot.for the speech about the open house one,ahas i redo is bad also,but at least i have more confident in this then in the compo.ARGHH...!i am going to flunk them.
as for the chinese paper,oh man,the letter writing was so tough.i wrote very little bit of content only!don't know what to write siahs!i chose the one about too much in the flat then have to write that the no. of dogs should be limited.then for the compo qns,hahas no. 4 was so general.the theme of the story is 珍惜and we are to choose the title ourselves.shit,i risked for the third time,though the marks for the two times wasn't that is a love story again =[[ sians.i crapped.and i just realise how idiot it was.i am so going to flunk them as well!
monday is literature!my life depends all on it now!(and surprisingly i am not stressed==)hahas but i am sure i will study for this ^^
hahahs lols!kailin's dream yesterday was so idiot!(copying from the sms she sent to me):
once upon a time.thr was a pair of couple named marion and kailin(they were married).one dae marion asked kailin to go check if she was pregnant.kailin kp checking,but sadly,she was not pregnant at all.marion said:aiya.we haven even fu*ked dao.of course no baby la!den becux we both females cnt ve baby.lets ask a guy to fu*k us to ve baby.-END-
why do you have drag me into the picture?LOLS.but its so damn funny~!!hahas.and its dumb.don't know what kailin's head contain larhs. ==
my interpretation of why she has this dream:
1)because of the last kissing dream that made her think of les.
2)sweetFOUR everytime together,so no surprise i inside her dream.
3)she is despo for sex.
hahas!i do think it makes sense.hehes.ok larhs,zhu zhu don't cry,just kidding only.=pp
Thursday, September 27, 2007
hahas!yesterday night we(me,wen yee,veronica,madeline,kaijie and jai chyi) helped ms.soh celebrate her birthday =D though her bd is today hees.
lalalalas!only one candle!help her keep her age a secret^^
in the dark!!whats the green light?
computer larhs.
first cut!
pastamania pizza!
thanks veronica for sending me game and themes to my phone!
hahas!today is like oh-so-crazy!sweetFOUR was taking photos during chinese lessons!
hahas!walau the two extras behind!
lols in this 'coincidence',we get a photo of sweetFOUR.
hahas! valerie and me =D
hahas!took this when valerie was tying her hair.
today yuan geok and kailin were late for school.hahahs!they missed like a period??kailin still sms me and say "late liaos!".hahas then when she came to school i told her,"obviously i know you are late right?"so funny larhs.they missed their usual-time 187,then when they reached our school bus-stop,it was raining and they hadn't got any they took 945 to the front gate -.- hahas!!!
LOL then kailin and me kept wasting sms-es by sms-ing to each other and then calling each other when we are in the same classroom.==
hai i think this few days i am quite mean and impatient.don't know why lehs.=[[[
tomorrow is exam.................................later i still have tuition =[[[[
why???how come this few days can never get hyper one??especially with nurmatha.last time with her i super hyper.then now like very dead.=[[[[[[ nevermind,those hyper days will come back =D
oh ya about the quiz in the last post.lols it was pure coincidence about #5.don't even mention the possibility please.the more hope there is ,the greater the disappointment will be. =(
hahas today so damn cold *brrr*
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you have write the names of all 11 people. This is alot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first, no cheating,
3)Yuan Geok
8)shin chieh
hahas!!drama club! =D
LOLS hahas.hmmm.miss her?
14 =D
like duh,she came to my house yesterday to eat!
whahas.photoshop talent!
hahas maths genius!
lols!thats impossible!
heees.cannot say whahas.
ah hah!shes my dardar!
LOL yeahs=D
hees i love this song!!! =D
hahas!today is wednesday!time to get hyper!!
ok hahas actually today don't really have much content.but quality comes before quantity.hees...!
today ms.gayathri didn't come =[[ oh sadd...hahas.she said she is going to send us notes on geography,then ziyong said he received....but i did come??? hmmmm....
hahas lols so basically during geography lesson we slacked,was playing tic-tac-toe and that kind of stuff with anita,zhenghuan and zhiying.hahas.oh oh,then today that zhenghuan kept doing the thing in 不能说的秘密.
[i am not good at describing,let the video show you.its at 0.18sec/1.26 there hahas]
to zhenghuan:lols relax i wasn't angry or what,but i was just...annoyed.cut your nails,LOL.kidding.
oh ya!yesterday night at around 11 something,i receive a very stupid prank call.
prank-caller:"hello?is it marion?i am ldds's sec 4's [name](ah hah i missed the name).tomorrow there will be ldds at 7am.hello?at the hall,got the the hall and find yee jeng.understand?oh 6am-"
apparently i couldn't be bothered so i hung up the phone.this is totally crazy.
LOL LOL LOL.nurmatha!hees.still two reasons,too bad.
AHHHH~~~!kailin and yuan geok!stop telling me things and giving me false hopes!LOLS.hahas.STOP SAYING!!
hahas.oh no.nowdays like no things to look forward too =[ lols seriously,who likes going to school when the exams are round the corner??i haven't finish studying!ah nevermind,maybe,like always,luck will be with me =D
oh man,i am seriously looking so forward to after exams.everything will be back to normal then .=D
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
just now nurmatha called me sorry!i didn't meant to have "two reasons",but i can't help it!!it just exist!!hahas but i still love you =D
ok let's talk about what happen today.kind in a rush because i haven't do my homework and my brother is going to i shall summarise what happen.hees.
after school,kailin and i stayed back to do D&T hahas!!quite fun larhs.we were painting our artefact then mr.ethan wong keep saying,"Waa,seldom see your do serious." LOL i know we were very slack previously =p
sai lorhs...our artefact(automata toy,go search engine if you don't know what it is =D) in the first place can be turned,then after painting,IT GOT,what.....!!we put in so much effort...!!hahas then we went to mr.wong for help.and he hadn't got any solution too.hahas so we racked our brain and tried to make it move again.but obviously,we failed =[[ hahas.then in the end we were the only group inside the D&T room.(WOW THE WHOLE ROOM IS OURS!!)
LOLS as i was saying,we were the only group left.
so who took the photo??YES,MR.ETHAN WONG.
with my phone.
LOLS LOLS i left my wallet on the table,and he opened my wallet again
hahahas.actually our artefact is so successful must thanks mr.wong ^^
after that kailin went to my house =D because she wanted free meal ahhah!
lols kailin asked me to accompany her to the bus stop at 6.30pm.
the following photos were taken there:
LOLS this photo was taken because when she was wearing her shoes at my house,
she was saying that her shoes are mouldy(on the inside.)
then i was like....what the.....==
hahas so i captured her legs and her mouldy shoes.
her shoes already kind of torn and she still don't feel like changing.
hahas cannot blame her,being a cancer,she has a strong feeling for old stuff.hahas.
LOL walau!sexy pose by kailin!
she purposely posed for this photo larhs.hahahas!
yay! 1/2 sweetFOUR!muacks!
hahas sian i gtg and try to do my homework.hees.=D
time is not enough when exams are round the corner[even though i don't study....=p]
Monday, September 24, 2007
微笑pasta![smile pasta]

王心凌饰成晓诗 张栋梁饰何群 GINO 饰何瑞哲 赵虹乔饰RITA
to this!!![gino in 微笑pasta as 阿哲]
Saturday, September 22, 2007
muggers for today:
actually we planned to meet @11am @ plaza' the end,i woke up at 10.30am.then i sms-ed kailin.she never replied so i concluded she is still sleep(lols no wonder yesterday she said she is scared she might not be able to wake up on time.)so i sms valerie,hahas that was like 10.50am,then she said she would go to kailin's house to wake her up.HAHAS!
in the end,we managed to meet at we went to the kopitiam to eat.then kailin did a stupid thing,she used my phone to call zhihao(which i don't know got get through anot,cause i immediately cancelled the call.) == hahas then nurmatha called me =DD
hahas then we went to the library,and we slacked for a while.ahhas.then we started on geography.yuan geok came during that time because she had brought moon to the pet shop.hahas.then we mugged for like, half an hour or something? i didn't even finish revising chapter 2 of geography(i started from chap 2....)hahas.then we started to zilian[自恋] hahas!
here are the photos we took:
LOLS.this photo,i took it because valerie was telling yuan geok to take a photo of her which she is pretending to read the book(trying to let other people know she is hardworking,when she is not!lols)hahas!so i thought i could captured her talking instead.lols she is holding on geok's phone to see the photo of her.
LOLS!actually i was taking pictures with kailin one.then valerie was taking with and kailin took a lot but this girl arhs,very un-easily contented,keep asking me to then valerie suddenly came in and snatch-screen[抢镜头].that should explain the distance between kailin and valerie.
ah hah!kailin no face to see people.looks a bit like the "peace"[和平] in x-family.hahas!only that kailin don't have the word "peace" on her tissue.
LOLS.kailin took this secretly[偷拍].(geok was looking at valerie)
hahas!took photos with geok!!!yays!
hahas!please ignore my was suppose to be a twist,but the camera was too to-the-right." : p
from a different angle!~
hahhas!i wanted to 偷拍 the end kailin discovered(but not valerie),so she gave me that kind of expression.ahhas!valerie was laughing,thats why her face was blurred.
: D
LOLS.kailin purposely don't want delete because of valerie.
hahas!my hand is in such a weird pose.ignoring the hand,this photo is quite ok(kailin's standard really high,so many got deleted!!!)
ah hah!自恋ing!
lalas 蝙蝠[bat] and me!
hahas after that geok went home,then we play play for while,we went to shop.
1st stop: mr.bean
what we bought:
-pearly soya milk[valerie,marion]
-chocolate pancake[marion]
-soya ice-cream[kailin]
2nd stop: missy doughnut
-strawberry doughnut[valerie]
3rd stop: aries
-metal hairclips[valerie,marion]
(we saw and!!!)
haahs then valerie went back home
4th stop: watson
-nivea lip care hydro care[marion](this was introduce in CLEO hahas so i bought =D)
hahas then i went to kailin's house =D
hahas! nothing to do so i took photos of our pouch!
LOL kailin changed the straps.
hahas after that we were like sending each other songs and stuff.this crazy girl took my phone and called zhi hao again for like twice == i don't know whether got get through anot.then i said something which is obviously just kidding,and zhuzhu called another person.hahas luckily i was like "don't you dare!" while holding her phone and opening kangwei's contact.when she called that person,i pressed her phone too.hahas!!!LOLS.this is so that very fun mehs?hahas
while kailin was accompanying me to the bus stop nurmatha called me hahas!to send a bad news.hai~~~!!how come fate doesn't come in the present but came in things that are fixed(lols don't try to understand this sentence,you won't figure out)?
lols hahas.just now nurmatha called me again.we were talking a lot of things.hahas and she told me about our CIP.that we are doing two parties.and we might not be collaborating with any cca because this thing doesn't really need a lot of people.the parties will be on 15 nov,which is like when cca start,we have to start preparing and we only have one month.that also means we are going to get far less CIP hours compared to genesis = [
LOL while chatting with her,suddenly the television airied tangyuzhe's song album advertisement and i was like screaming ahahhas!!LOLS!
hahas i going watch x-family lerhs,BYE!
Friday, September 21, 2007
back to hyper!
lols hahas i like this song ;D
ok lols today back to hyper mood =D(perhaps not in the morning.hahas)
hahas!today i wrote a letter for nurmatha(and somehow,yet again,my letter for her got read by other people.hmm but nothing interesting.)LOLS nurmatha so pig!yesterday slept and didn't watch NSC.LOL rock!& sadly,giselle forgot about it and forgot to record it,too bad!~
lols hahas valerie couldn't go to woodlands,so sweetFOUR is going mugging(plus doing project)tomorrow at bukit panjang plaza!hahas!!
lols i am contaminated by kailin since yesterday,she kept kissing my hand T.T LOLS!yuck!(hahas but today not so much.)
hahas today after school me,kailin,geok and sihui went to plaza to eat : D hahas!
don't know why,suddenly today very happy=D and feeling very motivated to,WOW!thats,unexpected.hahas!
and i just realise that examinations are so damn near and i haven't even start any revision.hahas.nevermind i shall chiong for this week. =DD
seriously,whats wrong with holding hands?(as in girls.)now geok also don't want hold hands with me =[ she said,"you have to be STRAIGHT".LOLS like "hey!obviously i am straight!"holding hands doesn't make me wavy....hahas.
:D go watch x-family lerhs.ya lun finally appeared!hahas!hes as cute as ever!but i think i prefer his role as "ding xiao yu".his role was "meng zhu" like "da dong" kind,very dramatic.which is so so so unlike yalun's image.hahas.think he act those very quiet one more shuai!&& now yuzhe's "gui feng" should be coming out soon(heard of this monster from a variety show they attended).hahas!yay!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
HI! =D
i mean like,maybe we are too sensitive and stuff.
so we apologise for making assumptions =pp
and about my previous,hahas!now theres nothing already!
SO SORRY VALERIE!!!(you see i put it in the largest,this shows my sincerity.hahas and its in green!)
we realise that we both are in not very good mood(emo-ing mood and just-don't-feel-right mood).ahahs thats why there is conflict.trying to vent anger on each other(???)LOLS!
so i still LOVE VALERIE!!!!
whahas!i am watching NSC.omg!
don't know why,today the whole morning i was like emo-ing,more of depress or something.hahas.but today ET i super hyper,in a very "runny" mood.hahs!i was really motivated and i chiong for two rounds for fun,and found myself not very tired ^^
oh ya and during ET,shimin cried!ahhh!my dearest shimin arhs!don't care because of that physics test.i think i flunk it(i didn't study at all for it).and if you are sad just because you think you will fail,then how will our dear zhuzhu feel? THINK you will fail,but kailin already know she failed for so many science test,hahas so don't be sad(and i am here to push your rank up!)!
hahas today i totally totally love running,which is so werid...haha.because after running like no emo liaos.
but but,these few days arhs,i super bu shuang valerie!LOLS.walau she last time treat me also not like that.
the expected scenario
[DURING CHINESE CLASS:she was drawing on yuan geok's hand,and her hand was on my newspaper]
me:"ei...valerie,my newspaper."
valerie:"ohh.[lifting her hand]"
[then don't know why she put her hands on my newspaper again.]
valerie:"oh!ah sorry![lift her hand again]"
the reality
[DURING CHINESE CLASS:she was drawing on yuan geok's hand,and her hand was on my newspaper]
me:"ei...valerie,my newspaper."
valerie:"ohh.[lifting her hand]"
[then don't know why she put her hands on my newspaper again.]
valerie:"[act fierce again and looked very frustrated]walau!you very fan lehs!you cannot take the paper out isit?"
me:"what!you keep placing your hand on it what you want me to do!"
(and mind you,you are invading my table.)
LOLS.the expected scenario was what she will do LAST TIME.hhas then i was like complaining the change in valerie to kailin,and she said,"no arhs she always like that one mahs."lols but towards me she wasn't like that.
hahas still got was during chinese lesson too.
kailin:"oh yesterday i went to kangwei's blog!walau he got put the website there!"
me:"lols no larhs that one is kiat hwee help him make one."
valerie:"[we were not talking to her but somehow she just interrupted.]wow kiat hwee arhs!you very close with him mehs!still anyhow add him in friendster!"
me:"T.T then you lehs!don't know one also add!at least i know who he is ok."
[then after some time of arguement...]
kailin:"so the blog is not kangwei made one?"
me:"ya kiat hwee make one."
valerie:"walau!still call kiat hwee,very close horhs?"
this girl arhs,getting crazier and crazier.purposely want to fight like seriously,whats your problem?if i anyhow add people how come i only have 100 something friends in friendster(when you have 600 something...)?then i don't call his name i call him what?i mean like,this is seriously very unreasonable.
that time,when shimin,xiaojun and i were mugging(wait i wasn't),hahas we talked about things then somehow we talked about valerie.that time i was telling them that valerie never "shoot" or "suan" me before.waaa such disappointment!
lols alright let's change after school,me,kailin,yuangeok,sihui,ziyong and nicholas went to westmall's KFC :D

original(nicholas's and ziyong's)
crispy!(kailin's and mine.)
LOL you can see how small theirs are?
me and ziyong
hahas nothing to do.
oh sadd only one picture,i didn't take with other people =[[
zilian at the corridor outside my house!oh hahas i rock.
today i didn't see someone today(voldemort)=[[ but like today i feel less weird!it was once a source of motivation(and distraction),in the end become source of "emo"tion?hmmm.interesting.
haahs!tonight have national science challange!!7.30pm at channel 5!must watch!you might be able to see me there(lols but it will be like so small....)sian tonight got tuition.don't feel like going!!!ahhh~~~~~~!!!
whahas.on saturday i am going mugging with xiaojun,shimin,jolie and maybe kailin and yuan geok at woodlands civic library.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
hahas the delicious ice cream has shrank and become a irresistibly sweet and sinful lip balm!!!
lols!whahas!i saw this thing in oct's issue of CLEO.hahas!then there is still the 'peanut butter cup' flavour,and the 'choc chip cookie dough'.hahas!
don't you think its cool?hahas but its hard to imagine that lip balm actually comes in this kind of flavour.lols!usually it comes in fruit or mint flavour.lols!
the first look at it,i thought i will be ineffective.but they contains beeswax and organic oils such as hemp seed,which CLEO says are good for healing dry,chapped lips.WOW!
you know how much it cost?$10.20!!!!ahh wow!i think its buying the brand more than buying the product. LOLS!
(but seriously,i can really imagine a really friendly and true her,and thats so wonderful.)
but wait,i am not going to delete the previous posts(haha valerie is seriously wanting to delete hers.).it is not because i still think that way towards her or what.i mean like,even if i delete that post,it doesn't deny it exist before right?so why delete?and i don't know,i have a feeling if i delete,people will start rumouring and stuff.
lols ok nevermind.lets talk about today=D
yeahs today morning i went to 3e4 as usual.then me and nurmatha talk talk talk....lalalalas.
hai today is still as sian as usual.hahas no larhs because there is something good going to happen during recess so i was really very distracted.(lols nurmatha's recess!)
hahas then after school we(valerie,me,kailin) planned to stay back to study.hahas in the end valerie went to do d&t,leaving me and kailin in the canteen eating.hahas!then saw nurmatha again.=D hahas then valerie came and nurmatha left =[ lols.then we were like playing around instead of studying.hahas!kailin suddenly thought valerie looked like bat,so she got "suan" by us like siao today.hahas!!
lols hahas.i am so sorry but i am feeling very impatient this few idea for example:
[during mother tongue lesson when i was sitting at valerie's seat and she was sitting at mine.]
valerie:"[pretending to be fierce]OI why you sit at my seat arhs!!"
me:"what!you sit at my seat first what!"
lols sorry valerie!but i was feeling very weird why you reacted that way(though you do that to kailin all the times),so hahas my response was a bit over.
hmm i am getting so unlike me.
aiyoyo!tsk tsk tsk.getting hard to be contented now.partly thanks to kailin for giving me false hope!HMPH!hahas!
well hahas nevermind,gonna end here.CIAOS!~~
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
oh man.she has abandon me for 24/7!how can she do that to her soulmate-cum-sister???hahas!
lols then today i went to find nurmatha as usual.nothing interesting happen though.hahas.
hahas.thanks kangwei the messenger!i wanted to know if nurmatha wants to go out today so yeahs messages was passed around by kangwei.
so my dear dear kailin accompanied me to go to 3e4(actually i am helping her larhs.hahas!).lols thanks so much ;D hahas somehow we kept laughing hahas!nevermind i know,zhu zhu know,good enough.then nurmatha and i escorted kailin back to my class and then i took my bag and somehow we went back to sec 3 block again because we couldn't decide on where to go.and seriously i regretted not taking the choice nurmatha's suggested.ah~nevermind!
hahas so in the end we went to plaza then eat lorhs.and hahas we chatted and talked and spent one and a half hour together.waaa so wonderful....!thats so short =[[ hahas.
oh hai sian~~friday we are going to have geography remedials.and nurmatha said she has remedials tomorrow,on thurs and maybe on friday.which means friday might have might not have =[[[.sadd.
ahhas valerie and i hate the same colour!!
ohh no,i am not motivated but am seriously distracted now =[[[
Monday, September 17, 2007
hahas me and shimin.why does it look like i am trying to pull her shirt??
waaa shimin so handworking!
xiaojun-- another "hard-work"er
and changfeng-
eh hahas!hes invisible!
hhas ok i know i am lame.he left after a while.hahas.thats why you don't see him =D
what about me?SLACKER!
LOLS.xiaojun,shimin and i bought apple pie.and then at first they only had 2.
then when haozhe came and past me the third apple pie,
saying,"marion!sorry!we ran out of the apple pie box!"
oh..hahas.nurmatha told me ms.kaur kind of confirmed we are going to collaborate with floorball for cip.
hahas!i don't believe this!i didn't know so many people watch x-family!hahas!as in so many guys watch it!i was quite surprised that my brother actually watch until like siaos and now i discovered so many people are watching!!AHHH!!!i love yuzhe!~~~
Sunday, September 16, 2007
歌曲:任意门歌手:杨丞琳 专辑:任意门
whahas somehow i am addicted to this song!!this song is nice!hahas ; D
lols nurmatha told me to blog how fasinating today is because she called me twice T.T LOLS!then we were talking about those usual stuff again,and obviously those "suan"ing.then she is getting a little too desparate for getting back at me because i was talking about her scandal.hahas.
to nurmatha: LOLS i do know you are joking and stuff,hahas but thanks for calling me last night!you know,i was emo-ing about something~~~(refer to the msn message) hahahas!love you!
actually today started pretty emo-ish.but in the end i chose not to care.hahas.then today i also talked to changfeng through msn,he gave a real good suggestion about the thing that i have been thinking about.hahas actually seriously,that suggestion i had thought about it before,but i thought it wouldn't actually work out.hehe.
and just now i was chatting with jonathan tay,then he told me he watched my group's lit video!!!oh my god.why on earth did he tell me??and he actually forgot i am from blue house!(you were with blue house people during the camp for 3days!)how could he...!
it doesn't matter now if people have decoded DUMBLEDORE.cause now voldemort has come : D
hahas!tomorrow i might be able to have lunch with the great one!lalalas.isn't that great!(shes going to be vegetarian on the 18th)
oh i still haven't accept the fact that we are not going to have cca until examination are over.i mean,how do you want me to accept it?hai~~~
wow,am i pro or what.though today is not very interesting,but i manage to make a decent post =DDD
Saturday, September 15, 2007
literature projects.
(please kindly don't laugh at our acting and stuff,laugh at what you are suppose to laugh.ahhas)
(juliet has consumed the potion given by friar lawrence)
walau!i didn't know it was so dumb...then on friday when i was having lunch with alexandra and nurmatha,ms.kaur walked past and said,"oh maybe we should show ldds your group's video."waaa luckily never.hahas!
i found zhenghuan that group one also.LOLS!
(for best effect,on your speaker louder,and focus not on their lines,on what they are speaking to one another.)
walau nurmatha kept saying things like,"go,go find your kailin,go find your friends." and stuff.on friday morning during morning assembly valerie was saying that i always tell nurmatha everything.
to nurmatha: LOLS i know you said you were joking,but since you said it one part of you really meant it.and it is leaving me pretty helpless and annoyed.hahas....
to valerie: i don't know if you joking or what(i suppose not),but whats wrong with telling nurmatha everything?she tells me everything(as in those things that can be told),and your lehs,hmph!say those things i also don't know and sometimes also never tell me everything!i mean like hey!are you in the position to be annoyed?
lols i am sorry valerie,but thats how i felt larhs.hahas anyways don't take it that i am angry or what,but if you see this,please stop saying that kind of things alright?thanks ^^
lalalas i haven't do any of my homework.i was sleeping from 4pm until nothing to do =[[
hmm ok i shall end this post!=D
Friday, September 14, 2007
she walked past my class twice,once during geo,the other during maths.hahas.oh we haven't got back our test paper for geographyT.T and hahas today our teacher for maths was MS YEO KOON KOON.hahahahas=D
oh!which couple kissed in our classroom because one of them played truth or dare??is it shin chieh and brent,or brent and shin chieh?hmmm...this looks difficult.hahas.during CME mr.seng wasn't here so we had 1 hour to slack.then they were playing truth or dare.poor shin chieh...hhas.but this dare isn't that bad after all is it?? =p during lunch i saw brent and shin chieh so i was like ohh your arhs....just now in your class....hahas but i didn't witness it.then brent went oh i don't mind doing it again.LOLS.
hahas i had my lunch with nurmatha they all.after that i went to nurmatha's class and sat there.and ruth was entertaining us with her drawings on the whiteboard.HAHAS.then gerard,shaun and kangwei were having water the end chio's t-shirt and shirt were stolen and placed under nurmatha's bag.ahah and nurmatha was complaining about how wet her bag was after ldds,i mean drama club. our ldds has become DRAMA sorry i haven't got used to now debate is like cut off from our cca,BUT our cca still can participate in debate competition and stuff like that.actually i think this change isn't that bad after all,now we have clearer in we know we are doing drama for everything now.=D and we are under performing arts group!!!no longer under club!which is like cool!=D
hai nurmatha says she hates me because of what i did after drama club.*sigh*
don't be shy nurmatha!
lols ng kai lin the goddess so funny,phobia of facing alot of people and communicating with humans.nevermind kai lin,you can improve!=D you have my support!(with my support i guarantee you,it will be worst!opps.)
ok i am feeling damn sian now because there isn't any exciting events i think thats about it.CIAOS~~!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
hahas study group!
LOL saw her again during my ET=D she passed my class.whahas.
oh no everything went terribly wrong...
ok hahas i promised changfeng yesterday that i will join him to study at mcdonalds so i dragged kailin along.and it happens there is only 4 people,me,kailin,changfeng and hanjie,who went.
so right after school,we were waiting for changfeng to eat his lunch in the end me and kailin were bored so i suggested we go walk past nurmatha's happens that there is no one in class so we waited.and LALAS i saw the great one=D after that kailin and i carried our bags to the canteen and waited for the two boys.they are like so slow~~~hahahas.anyways thats not the main point.i really don't know whether to laugh or what.this was what happened.
the stupidest moment today.
[we were talking about SOMETHING when suddenly,changfeng was guessing something...]
changfeng:"is it (name)?[he was mouthing the name]"
me:"erm.shut up."
kailin:"huh who?"
changfeng:"is it (name)?"
kailin:"waaa how you know??"
me:"NG KAI LIN!"
[then for don't know why,i felt very stupid and kept laughing and laughing....]
(apparently it is some kind of secret chang feng is NOT SUPPOSE TO KNOW.)
walau.....!!!ng kai lin!!have i told you how much i hate you?(hahas i did today)like he was just making a wild guess and you really thought he knew....YOU WIN LIAOS LORHS...
hai~nevermind,since it has been said,i shall drop the matter. know what?kailin totally rocks!she accidentally drip the chilli sauce on my shoes!oh man...
lols kailin's finger....anyways did you realise that this cone is really very small.
from left to right,my cone and hanjie's cone.
i mean like,YOU SEE!he has already eaten half of his ice cream you know.
and its like only shorter than mine abit.
(hey changfeng stop teasing me about small people having small ice cream!)
it is the best study group on earth.
only one person is studying.
and KAILIN your months is already over!
so SHOO!
hahas han jie eating ice cream.
LOLS nothing to do.
if not i wouldn't have taken this photo.
whahas kidding!
taken by changfeng.HAHAS.
OH YA OH YA!hahhas kailin said some guy was CUTE.who arhs???~~~
oh man i think i forgot!
is it that one who said hi to me today?
or is it that one who looks like calvin 辰亦儒?
then on our way to the MRT station,nurmatha called me and told me some stuff.
she mentioned the possibility of something and i felt so damn scary.
ahh oh my god!
there is a basam malam just below my house hahas and i am totally in love with the chocolate fountain fondue stall!the first day i brought the rainbow marshmallow one,yesterday the strawberry one(the strwberry is really sour...),and today the plain marshmallow one.
hahas i ate one of them already.hehe.tomorrow i gonna try the banana one =D
ok hahas.*yawn*good nights!