LOL saw her again during my ET=D she passed my class.whahas.
oh no everything went terribly wrong...
ok hahas i promised changfeng yesterday that i will join him to study at mcdonalds so i dragged kailin along.and it happens there is only 4 people,me,kailin,changfeng and hanjie,who went.
so right after school,we were waiting for changfeng to eat his lunch in the end me and kailin were bored so i suggested we go walk past nurmatha's happens that there is no one in class so we waited.and LALAS i saw the great one=D after that kailin and i carried our bags to the canteen and waited for the two boys.they are like so slow~~~hahahas.anyways thats not the main point.i really don't know whether to laugh or what.this was what happened.
the stupidest moment today.
[we were talking about SOMETHING when suddenly,changfeng was guessing something...]
changfeng:"is it (name)?[he was mouthing the name]"
me:"erm.shut up."
kailin:"huh who?"
changfeng:"is it (name)?"
kailin:"waaa how you know??"
me:"NG KAI LIN!"
[then for don't know why,i felt very stupid and kept laughing and laughing....]
(apparently it is some kind of secret chang feng is NOT SUPPOSE TO KNOW.)
walau.....!!!ng kai lin!!have i told you how much i hate you?(hahas i did today)like he was just making a wild guess and you really thought he knew....YOU WIN LIAOS LORHS...
hai~nevermind,since it has been said,i shall drop the matter. know what?kailin totally rocks!she accidentally drip the chilli sauce on my shoes!oh man...
lols kailin's finger....anyways did you realise that this cone is really very small.
from left to right,my cone and hanjie's cone.
i mean like,YOU SEE!he has already eaten half of his ice cream you know.
and its like only shorter than mine abit.
(hey changfeng stop teasing me about small people having small ice cream!)
it is the best study group on earth.
only one person is studying.
and KAILIN your months is already over!
so SHOO!
hahas han jie eating ice cream.
LOLS nothing to do.
if not i wouldn't have taken this photo.
whahas kidding!
taken by changfeng.HAHAS.
OH YA OH YA!hahhas kailin said some guy was CUTE.who arhs???~~~
oh man i think i forgot!
is it that one who said hi to me today?
or is it that one who looks like calvin 辰亦儒?
then on our way to the MRT station,nurmatha called me and told me some stuff.
she mentioned the possibility of something and i felt so damn scary.
ahh oh my god!
there is a basam malam just below my house hahas and i am totally in love with the chocolate fountain fondue stall!the first day i brought the rainbow marshmallow one,yesterday the strawberry one(the strwberry is really sour...),and today the plain marshmallow one.
hahas i ate one of them already.hehe.tomorrow i gonna try the banana one =D
ok hahas.*yawn*good nights!
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