Slogan: Thou shalt lose to us!
OHMYGOD I LOVE 3e4'08!!!
Woots yesterday was the first day of our learning fest.There was the sarong game, the balloon game, and the birthday game.Lol I don't know what the game's real name is what nevermind la.Haha.After that there was the memory game.Followed by SANDWICH-MAKING!Mr Damian divided us into 8 groups.
Woots start making sandwiches!
Li min's sandwich!
Fadlun's colourful sandwich! (did i spell her name correctly??)
Jionghan's (horny) sandwich lol..
Christopher's birthday sandwich? Lol.
Haha I love tuna, cheese and tomato ;DDD
Lol then after that there was the trip to the National Historical Museum.So lucky of us to have Mdm.Tang joining our class.The Companion thing was cool.It sings and talks.LOL.
TYPEWRITER O: Omg so cool.Haha.
(others photos are with YingQi :[ )
Woots I think today is more fun than yesterday cause the activities today allows us to bond more.Yesterday more was like people going around with their cliques only.
The first activity was the Egg game?Which I won so easily hahahaha.KaiLin Sihui and YuanGeok not enthu one.Sigh.Lol.
Then there was the 'Change Management'. Which was quite cool and meaningful. There will be majong paper around the class with questions like "What are you disappointed in", "What changes do you anticipate", "What would you change".Then there are four categories: 1) Relationship with peers.2)Relationship with family.3) Academic/CCA.4)Personal interest.Lol I wrote "Not respecting my privacy" in "What are you disappointed in" under "Relationship with peers." Haha.That includes trying all means to read my message.Those people, you know who you are la.LOLLLLLLLL.
Justin came to our class and told us about those funny comments at 3e2 classroom. There were comments like "We don't want tanks, we want missiles".Then ShiWei put a lot funny de. The most jing dian de is "I want a wife who looks like FeiFei." LOL Felicia Chin from The Golden Path.So funny.Their class very not serious.Our class, wah everyone really reflecting.Haha ;D
We came out with our class name and slogan.Then we started preparing for the finale: SHAKE, RATTLE AND ROLL . Woots. I so so so so love my class!! And MrDamian! He is really a good form teacher. He helped us a lot in the performance thing. My class damn high and enthu during the finale la! Especially Valerie and Niwen and his friends. I was more enthu at the back ;D Everyone screaming so high pitch! Though we didn't win, but I thought that our class is so united is a better glory.It's like during the performance others were half dead? Some don't even cheer for their own class. Woots I LOVE ENTHU PEOPLE!
LIN YING QI!I LOVE YOU!;D Don't take JiongHan's words to heart!(and stop thinking about what's on your mind.) Haha I think Mr.Damian will let us sit together de la!(:
Mr Damian is a damn good form teacher la!He really very very very very very good!!After the whole thing when all the class committees had to stay back,he accompanied us!(We were waiting for Geok xD) Then MrWong was saying, "Your form teacher is so good la.He could have gone to the staffroom to enjoy the air-con but he stay here for you all."
(Taken on bus yesterday ;D)
(LOL The photos are not edited)
I LOVE 3e4'o8!
WOOTS The Coalesced Rocks!
(I think I still prefer to address my class as 3e4'o8)
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