Saturday, January 20, 2007

saturday's ldds!!!

yohooo~~lols today we have our first saturday ldds!WHOO!!

today started at 8am.when i was outside the school,at the gate there,it was 7.59.then i saw catherine.then i waited for her.then we walked halfway across the carpark,then the security guard held us back.cause need to tick the paper.then when we reach the foyer it was 8.01.haha.and i was saying we were 1 min late.then yee jeng and anisa came at 8.06 i think.and others came after that.then when ms.kaur come she like not very happy,cause we were late(me and catherine were punctual!).

then we went to the dance studio and did warm-up then run et rounds!to biuld up our stamina7+1+1 round.lols actually is 7 rounds then teacher saw catherine walking,so another round,then we walk for 1 round.i think we complete it in less than 20 minutes bahx?anyways,I LOVE JOGGING!then we played the usual abc game.then we got the characterisation.and on tuesday,we still need to run,after ldds.before the seniors come then me,anisa and yee jeng going entertain(??) the sec 1's using games.and i later going the website ms.kaur recommended for the games.i hope i will find really fun games!!(:

today me,yee jeng and anisa keep chit-chatting.haha.ldds ended like 1 o'clock like that.then yee jeng and anisa when go buy food then we went to buy.after buying then we sat down and talk about everything.and ya we shared what thought about this thing and that thing,and shared our experienced.hai poor yee jeng.i learnt to love her(: and for those people who don't appreciate her just leave her alone ok?

lols shit homework haven't touch yet):

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