YAY!i created a playlist and now there are more songs for my blog
actually my plant died yesterday night at 7:08:40pm
i suddenly decided to give up.WHAHA
then i was like not sad.
but then somehow i also don't know why,
some things just trigger the plant
and it revived again at 7:42pm
whahah yesterday after school,
while waiting for cca to start,
zhenghuan,des,darren,loon rong and han jie played the BARAM game again
LOL then its like they kept laughin.
sat there for 10 minutes or more and haven't start yet.
what a failure!
then in the end like never play alot.
some of them end up playing with water.
during ldds,
while we were like nothing to do,
pratika,shuhui,kendra,jiahui,brigitte and i(and a junior watching us)
we also played the game again.
lols after ldds went to 7-eleven.
then bought cadbury's boost,chocolate doughnut and bitter chocolate (63% cacao ;D)
i just felt so chocolatey that i wanted to buy lots of chocolate
then when i reached home,
i opened the fridge,
there is sat chocolate brownies -.-
at night my bro bought famous amos' chocolate chips cookies=.=
;[ yesterday while i was online,alvan also was online.
then i said hi,he never reply me ;[
HAHA.think he is busy bahx if not is he dont want entertain me.
aiyo i think i a bit siao diao liaox lerhx bahx.
i still miss camp...although other people's camp mood was over long time ago
because there were too much regrets,
we didn't played any games among our group,
there were cheers,but not alot.
i didn't play the flying fox which people said were real fun.
i wasn't in real close terms with any of the instructors
(HEY instructors are the people who makes camp fun)
lastly,i didn't make good use of the time there...
BUT at least we have lots and lots and lots of happy memories together;D
this is one of the factor that makes me miss camp
don't tell me not to miss camp anymore.
i know if i were to camp everyday with the same people
it will not be as fun.
i want to miss camp,because if i stop missing,
i will lose the feeling of missing camp...
and i don't want not to miss camp ;p
so there is no sense in stopping myself from missing camp
when i want to.
its better to let it fade slowly
rather then cutting the roots now.
(LOL sounds kind of chim horhx?)
*i really can't tell which one is true or false.my sixth sense is failing.i can't even judge my own feelings.i don't know whether i love because i love or if i love to love.but there it goes again,everytime i think of you.the reason why is simply because i saw my shadow in you.come to think of it,all this things are too fairytale...*
累了吗 问问你
累了吗 问自己
故作姿态的你 心跳早已经背叛你的心
故作神秘的你 眼神却总还留着孩子气
想要依靠着你 延续着你给我的氧气
你的固执任性 最怕你突然就说要放弃
是这样天真 是这样心疼
是不肯承认 还是我太笨
两人的缘分 付出才会完整
累了吗 问问你
累了吗 问自己
故作姿态的你 心跳早已经背叛你的心
故作神秘的你 眼神却总还留着孩子气
想要依靠着你 延续着你给我的氧气
你的固执任性 最怕你突然就说要放弃
是这样天真 是这样心疼
是不肯承认 还是我太笨
两人的缘分 付出才会完整
想要说的话 却不懂表达
只是朋友吗 你冷冷的回答
这是终点吗 假装我不怕
唯一的徵兆 是你说过的话
累了吗 问问你
累了吗 问自己
累了吗 问问你
累了吗 问自己
add ons[03:14]:*你会比较喜欢个性像自己的,或是跟自己完全不同的勒?喜欢他,感觉一点都不真实,一点也不切实际,毕竟连面对面都没见过.可是我好象能了解他在想什么,虽然他不知道我是谁.这到底是什么跟什么啊?是不是一时的仰慕给的错觉呢?*(17/10/16 cip project)
LOL i was reading like arranging my post in the labels.and i saw this in a post titled cip project dated on 17/10/06.its like my feelings now larhx.(not 100%,but at least 70%)but i lost the ability to describe liaox.didn't know last time i can do it man!WHAHAH
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