haha then after that valerie was telling me how fun my seniors are.WHAHAHA of course,they are MY seniors=D
today there was the rehearsal for the teachers' day.HAHA feel so lucky to be able to perform man!!=DDthen before the rehearsal,which starts at 2.15pm,we were in the dance studio practising.and the i was like going with anita to the ladies because she hadn't change to her pe t-shirt.LOL then its like what a coincidence,i saw the great one.its like so funny.this morning i wrote a letter to her,which i most probably could only pass to her tomorrow.in the end i could pass the letter to her today =D whahaha.there is just this natural magnetism between us that draw us together=D
LOL LOL actually just now my mood was like SIAN.then nurmatha just called me.i think it has become a daily routine for us to chat on the phone.WHOO~~~i became happy=D then we were talking about the content of the letter and stuffs.she was asking how come so many people in my class knows and what exactly happened when i said i saw her class guys.its was like our class was having music and we were walking to the music room.we stopped at the bookshop because valerie wanted to buy a new shorts(her shorts was dirtied by the syo soy bean drink).then i was talking to her when she told me to turn around.HAHA and there they are,nurmatha's guys.lols then its like the last one walking was jia hao and i waved to him,but he gave me that are-you-saying-hi-to-me look,before waving to me.LOL.then i was telling nurmatha that i tagged her blog and she was like,"what did you write???"LOL LOL.so i told her that i was kind of replying to someone's tag,and she demanded what THAT PERSON tagged.when i told her,she went,"WHY DID YOU TELL ME WHAT HE WROTE???OMG".LOLS.isn't it she who asked me to tell her???
then she was telling me how she teased jingkuang,how in the morning they saw that person and then turned to each other and laughed together.LOL.they were like having a teasing duel,nurmatha teasing jingkuang about that person,and jingkuang teasing nurmatha about me,which is so impractical.LOL.then nurmatha told me about her CME lesson,when the teacher told a story about a guy selling char siew pau.when nurmatha heard her darling pau's name,she was why,out of all buns,its char siew pau?then her eyes and jiahao's eyes met and they laughed together.LOLS nurmatha,just how many people do you want to laugh together with??
she then said she is very excited about tomorrow.haha.and she don't have a reason.then she said tomorrow the aerobics group is teaching the teachers how to dance,and she was telling me to imagine a few teachers dancing the dance.she thinks it will be very cool,but i thought it will look real out of place.
AH!anyways she said she definitely will online at 8.30pm and i told her i will be waiting for her =D LOL though its like usually my brother will use after i use,but today he has his basketball practice so i pray hard its damn tiring that the first thing he do when he reach home is go to sleep and let me enjoy the computer=D lols opps.
OH NO.i just realise this week is a busy week.its just the first day then we already have loads of homework(which i don't know the due date.LOL).then theres still all those projects.ARGHHH~~~ don't tell me next week is holiday i should be happy! because i don't like holidays! the first thing i will definitely miss is the great one.LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.(holidays got cca right??)cca time is not enough larhs~~~
by the way,i am wondering what we will be doing for cca tomorrow.we didn't get in the teachers' day thing,so what are the activities planned for us???haha.nevermind,as long as the great one is there,char siew pau is fine =D
you know what,my bro is kind of addicted to X-family!so weird.and he has watched more than i did,so i was damn surprised.HAHA
did you realise,that normally,the thing i actually post got little connection with the title??its like i am talking about nurmatha on every single post.like,why don't i just put all my titles the great one LOL LOL.kidding.
LOLS nicholas sent this photo to me.LOL LOL.my hair is so damn messy and i looked so tired.its like my eyes are closed! =((( lols haha.but this photos is taken,and it has been a long time since i place any photo,so i uploaded it hahaha=D
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