either i miss this two-week long chance,
or i have to wait for next year.
so what to do?
hohoho!i know,my scores are terrible.hahas i failed science.wow ahahs but i am very confident in getting that two marks back for a pass :D
lols maths as usual,full of careless mistakes.geography,miracley,i didn't flunk it :] hahs for english,still ok,still satisfied :) wheee!hahas then for chinese,lols pretty sian,not very up to standard as usual :(
hahas my dear darling zhuzhu ah,don't be sad ok?geography isn't that great for you to cry for.hahas don't worry,if we are in the same class next year,lets fa fen tu qiang together :]]]
(hmmm isn't that what we said last year...??hahas nvm :p)
LOL LOL nurmatha you want another match of reversi??you sure??hahas my brother will be here again you know.ah hah.later thrash you again : p opps...
today during ldds i wasn't hyper at all.dead.hahas.perhaps due to the weather.like,why on earth would i like rainy days?it spoils everything,including- ah nevermind.(lols nurmatha,you know,i know,heh heh :pp)
hahas then ruth was here as usual and she was drawing on the whiteboard.hahas and with some modification by me and yanli,it has turn out to be like this :
[DISCLAIMER:this story is fictional(lols i don't want to die yet,thats why)]
hahas at first there was this two girls on the whiteboard which ruth wrote 'marion' and 'nurmatha'.hahas then i went to edit and wrote 'JK' and 'nurmatha'.hahas!
lols next up was this bubble thing that 'JK' is suppose to be saying.hahhas!
[in case you can't read them (hahas i was rushing before nurmatha kill me)]
hahas LOL then yanli added the other two people called "KH" and "GC" with the threesome thing.lols not my fault.
hhas having a stupid headache since afternoon. :(((
ok hahas i finally figured out why i wasn't hyper today.LOL who will be hyper when he/she slept for less than 4 hours??hahahs!couldn't sleep yesterday,so was watching x-family with my bro.hahas.i mean like,who will sleep early when he/she woke up in the afternoon?hahas.
yesterday was trying to download audition because my brother deleted it last time when i stopped playing.ahhahas.influenced by geok and yingqi who were like playing it when we went to kailin's house with sihui there also.ahhahas.then like cannot download.it always stop halfway.WHY?
lols hahas.zhenghuan,RELAX!i wasn't as serious as you think i was in my previous post.you are still cute alrights *shivers* hahas don't turn into an egoist,be humble :) bu yao xiang tai duo!!
hahas today rushing to update.hhaas.later got tuition.so,
BYE! : D
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