Lol!This is my brother's character from the game Seal Online.
I said I wanted to get a picture of his character and he walked his character to that plant?Haha trying to find a better background.Funny.
Seal Online is a cute game.Too cute for him.So I asked: "Why do you play such a cute game?"
He said,"When you are cute, stuff like this happens."
I don't remember I have this kind of brother...Err I mean sister(Thats what he admitted last year or something.)
He bought 75% cocoa Chocolate and he said its sour.T.T Something wrong with his taste bud.And he sold it to me for 2 bucks.Do you pay so much for a dustbin?Sigh.
Guess what.A retarded boy is sitting next to me now.Yea right now.Isn't that nice and sweet for him?And I just realise he has the same mindset with Nurmatha.Both of them are egoistic and claims that they speaks the truth,which is obviously lying.He is like so damn noisy.CAN I HAVE PEACE!(he said no.)
Okay nevermind, if tomorrow you see his picture at the Obituary Section,don't be too surprise.This guy is getting on my nerves.
Zzzzzzz........He doesn't want to go away!
And thanks to Nurmatha for coming with the plan of insulting him with money.He wants money then he will go away.10 bucks.Waaa I am going crazy soon.
He is evil.I bought lunch for him!No service charge.And he is pestering me!What kind of brother is he.
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