Wednesday, December 12, 2007


LOLLLLL.I totally can't believe this!My personal message yesterday was "I don't have a brother!" And some people really thought I didn't have a brother or something.Haha.Funny.

And thanks so much GuoZiYong.My pm was "I am not going to talk unless my brother goes away.Sorry people." Then this guy said "I love you [SEE THIS!]" Too bad he was gone at that particular time.

Today...hmmm...finally some peace.My brother is sleeping ;D

Okay let me carry on talking about Seal Online.This game looks cute,you choose which job you want to take.You can be a Warrior,Knight,Craftsman,Mage,Priest or a Jester.

What's a Jester?Jester is a person who is given to witticisms, jokes, and pranks(according to In other words, Jester is a clown.

Haha and thats my brother's job.

For more information, check out their website at (:

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