Lol today ah, not that interesting.And I just realise how much I miss Veron D: Awww...
We are like so similar?As in not congruent.SIMILAR.Haha.Maybe we have been through too many similar situations (Does both of us fractured our arms before count?Lol)Though hers is 1oo times more complicated then mine (exaggaration) Hoho and we have the same surname.Cool right.It's like if you talk to someone who can understand what you are saying, it's like Wow soo good.Lol Talking to BoonKiat the GreenSleeves is like ZZZZZ. He doesn't get what I am saying.Boys....Sigh.
Okay back to today!
Hmm today lesson was like quite sian.Who will be in the mood to study.Anyway, our class has a special rule suggested by Joanne : NO FLIRTING. Lol! I think that should be dedicated to JiongHan?? And sad enough, I am sitting with him.Woots Yingqi and Geok's on my right and Kailin and SiHui are two rows in front of me. Grrrr Jiong Han he really can be irritating. He likes poking people with pen. But I was like so damn surprised when he knew what is sublimation when I don't know.LOLL.
After school Valerie me and Kendra went to JEC to eat.We wanted to go library to find scripts.After eating Me and Kendra bought ice cream!Hers was milk chocolate, mine dark chocolate.And I just realise "Chocolate cheers people up" is bullshyt.Lol.
The place there don't have scripts, so yea didn't find anything.
Oh anyway this few days I don't really like sleeping.Maybe I slept too much during the holidays.LOL.It's like sleeping is sweet, but the waking up part is annoying.It's like when you wake up, you will be forced to face the reality again.If only sleep can continue forever or something hahaaaa ;D
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