Monday, March 24, 2008

monday blues DD:

Awww..... After like 3 and half days of break, we have to face the reality and go to school again == How cruel! D;

Hmmm...Today was quite okay.YingQi was very lethargic while I was neither sleepy or energetic,despite the fact that I slept at 12 something last night.....

I had a ridiculous dream. I dreamt that I went to school for half an hour and went back home to sleep.Then was woken up and realise I can't sleep anymore ._. D: Seems like evil things trigger one another....]:

During lesson YingQi and I kept talking ;p Okay I am guilty, we were kind of gossiping ;/ But of course gossiping with EVIDENCE :D Okay fine they are still gossiping......

After school realise that Kangwei had remedials today..Then YingQi was going to meet HER (friend) GABRIEL at lot1.So I followed her together with Kailin, Sihui, and Yuangeok.Haha. I think YingQi was kinda quite excited and nervous and scared.In the end gave him his birthday present she went home == So Kailin,Sihui,Geok and I sat at the Food Junction there chat, since I am waiting for Wenyee's remedial to end to accompany her home(because I rejected her in the first place when she said she wanted to buy thumbdrive.haha) Then chatted about the USUAL topic.LOL.Seriously, what else can we chat about other than those things that concern BOYS??Haha.Then I said stuffs that I am not suppose to say and they are not suppose to know. BUT I COULDN'T CONTROL MYSELF~~~~~!Hahahaha.But some part they asked so I had to tell, because I enjoy asking quesiton and getting answer too ;D Others I said it willingly...... ;/////

After that went to library Yuangeok wanted to find books that teaches Japanese.Then I saw a Cantonese book/dictionary :D *eyes glitter* Haha so cute! Then pronunciation was like quite accurate!! Lol Too bad la! Wenyee haven't return my 3 books and I had one at home with me, if not I would have gotten it home!! Then they went home and Wenyee came! Lol this girl is a chinese novel fanatic.I think the library is her real world and home. I think she has like at least 10 over books at home already.Saturday she borrowed my 3 books when I wanted to return them.Then she went to the library and lent JiaChyi's ezlink card to borrow 6 more, together with her card. OOOO: Today she tell me she want to borrow more *faint* Haha but no more cards for her to borrow.Lol

I really wonder why some people can trust me.I can't even trust myself.I told my own secrets to others so how can I be trustful??? Hahaha. Okay that's a joke ;X

Headache ):

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