Though some of us went last year ._. We learnt the same thing again.Haha.
I think we didn't really go for the Sungei Buloh itself.We went to have fun with ourselves.Haha.
Ms Hafiza is damn cute :D And realise Mdm Sha has a nice side of her.Lol.
Oh ya we got the same tourguide as last year's.But I think I will not there again.I am scared of insects.Imagine a bee came to your ear and you can hear the buzzing sound.I was freaked out ):
Lol there was this visitor talking to her company,
"You will not believe this.I received a message from Maxis."
HAHA.Damn cute.I think I can say we have been to Malaysia today haha.
[LOL.Just when I typed finish what the visitor said, Yingqi messaged one of the five Maxis messages.Lol.Then some more after I wrote I can say we went to Malaysia, she smsed, "We went to Malaysia today sia!"
Yingqi!难道你会神算吗? ]
Lol Yingqi forwarded me the message at the right time!
It says:
"Welcome to Malaysia.Maxis hopes you will have a pleasant stay.If you need a taxi, please dial *8294 or key in *TAXI and press
Cool uh?
Since teacher say only she can take photo,so we used our cameras on the bus!:D

Lol.We didn't mean to include Yongxuan in the first place.As in it was suppose to be three of us.But I think when Zhiying was taking this photo, he popped out so he just include him inside the picture?
Ah.This photo is intended to include Jessica and Yongxuan one.Lol.
Opps ._.
Since my computer doesn't have any photos so I copied all the photos in my phone to my computer.Which include this one:
Lol.Ziyong looks retarded.I think alot of people loves my spectacles!:D
OHH there was one photo with Zhiying that Yuangeok forgot to send me.Maybe when I asked Geok to send me tomorrow I will compare him with another Shuaige *ahem*. Lol.Nevermind when I post you shall see (:
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I want a camera ):
Did your seee Derrick Hoh's advertisement!!!Lol at first I only hear what he said.He said something like,
"I always remember you all.Do your still remember me?" That kind of thing.
And I thought
"Eeee who is that.....==" LOL.
Then my mum was like,"Isn't that HeWeiJian?"
Woots!Cute boy Derrick Hoh is back!Ohmygod!:D
LOL.Walau yesterday night I was pretty emo after finishing Moe Kare(萌男友) online.That time Kendra bought the first half of the books, then she didn't buy le I think.Read this manga a few months ago and it survived in my mind without an ending.So yesterday I decided to finish it.Then I realise no matter Hikaru ends up with who, I will still end up emoing.Zzzzz.And I woke up at 4pm and was thinking about the ending):
Now I have gotten used to the story, I think Hikaru is really better off with Arata than Takara.At least Arata really really love Hikaru and will never leave her.Lol.Not like Takara who left Hikaru to be with Ami to make himself less guilty about Ami's car accident.Tsktsktsk.So selfish!
I emoed because I wonder how Takara will feel D: As in if Hikaru ends up with Takara,I won't think about how Arata will feel x.x Then I realise Arata will feel even worse than Takara if he loses Hikaru.Lol.
Woots Arata rocks!(Though he totally sucked in the first part lol.)
People who are bored and have nothing to do can go and check out this manga at!:D
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