Lol.Today not that lot of people came,but still,it was way better than the previous outing.Much more better.....(:
Actually yesterday my day started off badly.I used the computer and BoonKiat asked me to play Audi.When I went in,I got a shock out of my life......I think my account got hacked or something.There is one new hair[5000 den] and one new shirt [8000 den].Which leave me with 1222 den-.-
Then I met with Anita below my house and we met ChangFeng,WeiAn and HanJie on the bus 187.We travelled to bankit there then we took 966 with KaiLin,YuanGeok,XiaoJun and Michelle.
The guys.
The girls.
Woots we reached EastCoastPark.After going to Mac,we went to rent bicycle!$6 for 3hr!;DDD We kind of got separated then me,YuanGeok and WeiAn were riding together and we actually cycled all the way to Changi beach....Wow.
Then KaiLin called us and we finally got together hahas.

Me,YuanGeok,Anita and Kailin

Lol.Me and KaiLin were the only two who got inside the water.

Lalalaas.Me and YuanGeok.Kailin extra!Lol jk.

Kailin,Me and YuanGeok!
Okay....I slipped down when I was trying to ride the bike because of the rain.....Plus other factors like the bike is too high.But I think I have gotten used to it though.When has there been a time when I don't suffer from any injuries whenever I ride a bicycle?
I think its not that obvious,but its SWOLLEN.
Thats my thigh D:
It got redder after that.
Hahhas.Then after we started the BBQ!

We only have ChickenWings,PrawnBall(which got attacked by the birds......),SotongBall, SweetCorn, SweetPotato,HotDog&MarshMallow.

Lol Pathetic right.Imagine if more people were to come.....They only spent like $60(and thats our class fund).The chicken was like super tasteless?(Erm okay fine it taste like chicken.....)And they didn't cook it properly part of it was raw................................................................
After the BBQ,we went to BurgerKing.Hahas.My appetite was spoiled by the chicken.Then after that YuanGeok,Kailin,Me&Anita waited for Geok's dad to come.Woots!He drove us back home!;D Reach home at 11!Thanks so much!If not I think I will have reached home 12?
So I am going to be inside the dance for open house afterall.I learnt everything today!So last minute(Must xi guan la,afterall,we are Drama Club......)Damn,it was the first time I was so-not-confident on stage today for the Dry Run.But still,I think its gotta be alright ;D
Woots isn't this nice!Done by YanLi they all;D
Hahas.After that Siti,Me,Brigitte and Khaliesah went to Mac to discuss about the DJ booth thing((: Woots woots DJ BOOTH!Brigitte and Khaliesah were like laughing at someone's accent for the whole day.Damn funny.Lol.Ok then the DJ booth,quite erm unconfirmed?Heard that some people are starting first before us so we don't even know when we are starting and also the venue.I hope tomorrow more things will be clearer;D
Oh today YeeJeng kept talking about getting a rich boyfriend because DramaClub really need a proper coach.DramaClub isn't about dancing and painting banner.....Nevermind,we shall focus on getting rich people to join our CCA(:
Hahas.Yesterday was Squirtle's third day of chalet.And today is his camp D: Oh no,what does after camp means....Wait....3days is short after all............Lol.
I think I have fallen in love with drums!The CO and SwissWind performance is like so cool?
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