Lol woooooots.
Today is the end of the 4th month!!And coincidentally today's my mum's birthday!Woots!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!Even though today is seems like a hyper day, but it wasn't really one?Recently I am like quite unfriendly and super super bad to everyone and super super sensitive and super super easy to be irritated and pissed.Lol I think yingqi is the major victim?))): I AM SO SO SOO SORRY *JU REN!*SHYIAN LOVES YOU.Today we were talking about some rather 'serious' stuff then she went on talking about a guy in particular.Lol okay now thinking back I think I found it funny xD Lol.
*Lol 'shyian' is suppose to be 'xiao ai ren'?Then I call her giant because she always need one and a half table, then she call me shyian LOL.
"BEWARE OF YOUR BACK!SOMEONE OUT THERE IS HOLDING A KNIFE READY TO STAB ANYTIME!DDD:"Oh no I am so so so scared!Lol I am so scared because some stuffs 'stabbed' in are like not very true and that those people who they stabbed in front of might be scammed!!!Haha.
PS: Don't insult me by judging me without knowing me well now.
What's wrong with me saying some things in my blog?Maybe some people might not like it, but those things that you had done to sour the whole friendship, I dislike them too.Since I can't stop you from doing them, you can't too!Muahahhaaha.What's more you are doing things BEHIND MY BACK, while I am like doing things IN FRONT OF YOU?Looking like the mastermind doesn't means there must really have a mastermind.And I am not so childish to influence people to come over to my side if they are on the other.We came together because we have the common mindset, ANTI THOSE WHO DON'T CHERISH FRIENDSHIPS.Get your facts right before you move your tongue. (:
Lol Just now during tuition WenYee was saying how I should response when I hear some unwanted comments.Yup I don't need their judgements and remarks.YEA!But maybe it might be too immature to reply to what they are saying.What they said are not suppose to matter at all!We didn't hear anything right?And of course, whatever our talking-to-air comments, they can treat it as dog barking too, we don't mind.
For those people who have hurt me before, you will always be at least 50cm away from me. (: And yup, the number of people isn't that little actually.
Oh about yesterday's cca.The almost-crappy worksheets of mine and Nurmatha have been returned!!!
From her blog:
[Character's names....
Me: Ryan Butler Storm
Marion: K Moon Lily
1) What is your character? A person? An animal? Something else?
Me: Person
Marion: Person
2) Where does your character live? Does he/she like it there?
Me: Bikini Bottom. He loves it there, but his one true love lives in Trunktop and therefore, his heart lies in Trunktop.
Marion: Trunktop. She loves it there, but her one true love lives in Bikini Bottom and therefore, her heart lies in Bikini Bottom.
3) What does your character look like? Hair colour? Height? Weight?
Me: Highly handsome. 280cm. Jetblack, messy hair. Hour-glass figure, quite thin. 6-pack abs. Long legs and lean figure. Has huge arm and leg muscles that make him look sexy. Weight: 62kg
Marion: Totally gorgeous and cute. 140cm. Blond neat hair. Slim, figure is pretty good. 3-pack abs. Short legs. Has a small figure that makes her look adorable. Weight: 31kg
4) What is your character's pet peeve?
Me: Melonwater
Marion: Watermelon
5)What is your character's favourite food?
Me: Sweet and sour fish
Marion: Hot and spicy chicken
6) What are your character's hobbies?
Me: Windsurfing, jogging
Marion: Jogging, windsurfing
7) What can your character do better than anyone else?
Me: Windsurfing
Marion: Jogging
8) What makes your character happy after they had a bad day?
Me: Meeting his girlfriend
Marion: Meeting his boyfriend
9) What makes your character angry?
Me: Nothing
Marion: Nothing
10) What are your character's parents like? How about the rest of their family?
Me: Friendly and outgoing. They are not very strict. The rest of the family are nice him
Marion: Friendly and outgoing. They are not very strict. The rest of the family are nice her
11) What's one secret that your character hasn't ever told anyone?
Me: He is in love with K Moon Lily
Marion: She is in love with Ryan Butler Storm
12) Is your character outgoing? Shy? What do people think when they first meet your character?
Me: Outgoing. When people first meet my character, they think that he is very outgoing as he is really outgoing.
Marion: Open. When people first meet my character, they think that she is open as she is really open.
13) Describe your character in 3 words.
Me: Outgoing, handsome, athletic
Marion: Open, gorgeous, healthy
Woots! that was quite superb! hahahahaha...marion is one horny kid! throughout today, she was talking about SEX and BALLS...Multiple balls, eh? hahahaha]
Erm regarding the last paragraph.THAT'S TOTALLY CRAP AND BULLSHIT!!!!Lol.I was talking about the footballs on the field?Then I said multiple balls then she started laughing.I didn't intend to make it sound curvy but you didn't straight, who's the horny one?Haha And I didn't talked about sex okay.I was just showing her CLEO.There was an article talking about sex tips?? Then she got hyper when she started reading a little bit?? Lol.
I think Nurmatha is dumb.I said "Nothing is all over you", then she was like "Ya nothing's all over me."Then suddenly she jumped and let out a voice of shockness.Lol then I was like "Huh???What happened?" Then she said, "I just finally digested what you told me." LOL she must be having some sexual fantasies.Lol
Hmmm Anyway, I LOVE SOULMATE!Lol she is a emo-detactor la!I was like very very very normal, then she was like 'Why are you emoing?" LOL.Nice one.You rock.
Sigh school tomorrow.):