Hahaaaa Even though its O levels, my brother is still as slack as ever. Using computer while revising, thats nice.
Today started off badly ): If there is something called "SundayNight/MondayMorning Insomia", I shall admit I have it! Lol. Last week was the same, but I put the blame on the Ice Mocha I drank that day. But this time's different, I didn't drink coffeeeee! Just somehow physically I am tired, but I can't seem to "rest my mind"(quoted from Wiki) D: Wowwww.
For three consecutive days sec 3s are going through this Public Speaking Enrichment thing. Not very boring, not very fun. But I guess it is beneficial for us. I like what one of the instructor said about putting audience before yourself. (Haha if its starting to sound familiar, good for you!;D)
Oh! Today get my chocolate cream biscuit from Girl Guides! Wooo! I don't know why alot of people prefered the mint one. I always like original stuffs :D
"Stupid mint stay away from my cookie!"
(If it sounds familiar again, good for you!:D)
But okay la, the mint one is not bad also. So I should say:
"Stupid brother stay away from my cookie!"
I know he's going to eat all of it if I don't stop him.
Saw Astroboy and got high for 5 secs......LOL.
Something I learnt from one of my books:
"Even if you take a long time to absorb something, if you are able to produce something, its good. But if you take a short time in absorbing something but not able to produce anything, then, you are wasting your time."
Respect is very, very, very, very important.
Saw this book at Kinokuniya, titled, "When you fall in love with a guy who only love himself". Browsed through it and it's pretty interesting. And yea, I am going to get my hands on that boooook!
Have you been to a Chocolate Paradise before? (: Choooooccooolaaaateeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :D
Katekyo Hitman Reborn 104 Raw is out ): No subbed ones. Hibari&Gokudera!!!!!!!!!!!
"Everyone, is good at picking out mistakes/flaws of others, but they never look at themselves. "
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Hidekazu Ichinose ><

Know what? Gokudera's voice actor Hidekazu Ichinose is the same age as Mr Damian.
Yea dirty thirty one.
Should I praise him for looking young or what?
Wthh!! How to accept this harsh fact? I always though he is like only twenty plus!
And on top of that, Hibari's voice actor is younger than him by two whole years.
*calm downnnnnnn*
(Will pretend he is twenty something.Okay it's a joke.)
His age doesn't make him less charming, attractive, funny, shuai, cute, ......................................
SOOO! I still
Hidekazu Ichinose <3s!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Enneagram test
Just took the "Quick and painless enneagram test" from OkCupid.com
7 - the Adventurer
you chose AX - your Enneagram type is SEVEN (aka "The Enthusiast").
"I am happy and open to new things"
Adventurers are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world.
How to Get Along with Me
Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.
Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter.
Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories.
Don't try to change my style. Accept me the way I am.
Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy people.
Don't tell me what to do.
What I Like About Being a SEVEN
being optimistic and not letting life's troubles get me down
being spontaneous and free-spirited
being outspoken and outrageous. It's part of the fun.
being generous and trying to make the world a better place
having the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures
having such varied interests and abilities
What's Hard About Being a SEVEN
not having enough time to do all the things I want
not completing things I start
not being able to profit from the benefits that come from specializing; not making a commitment to a career
having a tendency to be ungrounded; getting lost in plans or fantasies
feeling confined when I'm in a one-to-one relationship
SEVENs as Children Often
are action oriented and adventuresome
drum up excitement
prefer being with other children to being alone
finesse their way around adults
dream of the freedom they'll have when they grow up
SEVENs as Parents
are often enthusiastic and generous
want their children to be exposed to many adventures in life
may be too busy with their own activities to be attentive
The above is pretty true. I can't say 100% because these things are quite general and not very specific.
If you are interested in taking the test, click here
Lol somehow you have to create an account for it and must be at least 18 years old. I accidentally pressed 1910 ._.
Ciaos for now.
7 - the Adventurer
you chose AX - your Enneagram type is SEVEN (aka "The Enthusiast").
"I am happy and open to new things"
Adventurers are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world.
How to Get Along with Me
Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.
Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter.
Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories.
Don't try to change my style. Accept me the way I am.
Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy people.
Don't tell me what to do.
What I Like About Being a SEVEN
being optimistic and not letting life's troubles get me down
being spontaneous and free-spirited
being outspoken and outrageous. It's part of the fun.
being generous and trying to make the world a better place
having the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures
having such varied interests and abilities
What's Hard About Being a SEVEN
not having enough time to do all the things I want
not completing things I start
not being able to profit from the benefits that come from specializing; not making a commitment to a career
having a tendency to be ungrounded; getting lost in plans or fantasies
feeling confined when I'm in a one-to-one relationship
SEVENs as Children Often
are action oriented and adventuresome
drum up excitement
prefer being with other children to being alone
finesse their way around adults
dream of the freedom they'll have when they grow up
SEVENs as Parents
are often enthusiastic and generous
want their children to be exposed to many adventures in life
may be too busy with their own activities to be attentive
The above is pretty true. I can't say 100% because these things are quite general and not very specific.
If you are interested in taking the test, click here
Lol somehow you have to create an account for it and must be at least 18 years old. I accidentally pressed 1910 ._.
Ciaos for now.
Silence sits
I have a blog because I like it,
And definitely not to please whoever is going to read my blog.
I hate being judged at.
Okay let's talk about other stuffs then.
Lol I have learnt my lesson; I will never continue sleeping when I wake up once. Lol too much sleep causes migraine.
& I realise I will automatically wake up at 10am! Which is the same time as I was born. Lol.
With desire, dream and vision, everyone can make a difference! ;D
And definitely not to please whoever is going to read my blog.
I hate being judged at.
Okay let's talk about other stuffs then.
Lol I have learnt my lesson; I will never continue sleeping when I wake up once. Lol too much sleep causes migraine.
& I realise I will automatically wake up at 10am! Which is the same time as I was born. Lol.
With desire, dream and vision, everyone can make a difference! ;D
Friday, October 17, 2008
Great news! No meet the parents for me! Woooo!
& it was because Mr Damian is lenient this time round. So actually I shouldn't be happy :/ I know I didn't do my best haha.
Sad news: Mrs Wai is leaving school soon.
For something called Youth Olympics ==
Yea everyone, go make friends with her now! \
I think I didn't know how to explain before, but Nurmatha, don't try to pronounced Kufufu as you see in, which is the English way la. Because in Japanese, 'f' is pronounced as though you are blowing candles.
Thus, Kufufu sounds more like kuhuhu?
Haha million thanks to Joanne for lending me the Japanese guide book thing that she borrowed from the library! :D
Oh today went out with Valerie,Kendra and Minli. For cca stuff. Haha. I ended up buying more things for my own than for Cca ._. Smart me.
I am trying hard to influence people to watch "Vongola carnival 2008". Although you wouldn't know what they are talking about, but it's damn nice la!
& right, I change heart liao ;xxxxxxx
Gokudera's seiyuu is damn cute! *eyes glitter*
But of course la, I still like Hibari in the anime. I repeat, the anime Hibari. I am so sorry but I am not attracted to the seiyuu. But his voice is sexy. (because it's hibari's )
I don't like Gokudera in the anime (please don't say the manga, I don't like people who smoke ;/) that much. Only like hisseducing voice. Haha which means I like everything about the seiyuu. He is damn humourous.!&&! although Haru's irritating in the anime, the seiyuu is damn cute you know! I like her better than Kyoko's seiyuu cause she is more sunshine than Kyoko's. She has a great sense of humour tooooooo! :D
Ichinose Hidekazu is his name! WOOO!
& it was because Mr Damian is lenient this time round. So actually I shouldn't be happy :/ I know I didn't do my best haha.
Sad news: Mrs Wai is leaving school soon.
For something called Youth Olympics ==
Yea everyone, go make friends with her now! \
I think I didn't know how to explain before, but Nurmatha, don't try to pronounced Kufufu as you see in, which is the English way la. Because in Japanese, 'f' is pronounced as though you are blowing candles.
Thus, Kufufu sounds more like kuhuhu?
Haha million thanks to Joanne for lending me the Japanese guide book thing that she borrowed from the library! :D
Oh today went out with Valerie,Kendra and Minli. For cca stuff. Haha. I ended up buying more things for my own than for Cca ._. Smart me.
I am trying hard to influence people to watch "Vongola carnival 2008". Although you wouldn't know what they are talking about, but it's damn nice la!
& right, I change heart liao ;xxxxxxx
Gokudera's seiyuu is damn cute! *eyes glitter*
But of course la, I still like Hibari in the anime. I repeat, the anime Hibari. I am so sorry but I am not attracted to the seiyuu. But his voice is sexy. (because it's hibari's )
I don't like Gokudera in the anime (please don't say the manga, I don't like people who smoke ;/) that much. Only like his
Ichinose Hidekazu is his name! WOOO!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fall in love with
The thing about
True love
Is that it has
The power to
Attract you to like
The same person
At the start of
Okayy that's kind of not true but I just want to spoil the atmosphere :DDD
To a certain extend, I am fake-highing about Hibari already ._. BECAUSE NO ONE HAS SUB EPI 103 WITH ENGLISH!!!!!!! *clench fist*
You know how 'one' can make a difference? 'One' mark determines whether my physics and literature will jump to the next grade. And that same number 'one' determines whether I will be invited to the Meet-The-Parents session.
See? 'One' is this heavy. *sighhhh*
Since I have started weirdly, I shall end weirdly too! :D
When you dream
That you like a guy
But the love stops
The moment
You wake up
It means
In reality
You hate him.
All the weird things I have wrote are written out randomly and without logic.
I can't help it.I am very bored ://////
Fall in love with
The thing about
True love
Is that it has
The power to
Attract you to like
The same person
At the start of
Okayy that's kind of not true but I just want to spoil the atmosphere :DDD
To a certain extend, I am fake-highing about Hibari already ._. BECAUSE NO ONE HAS SUB EPI 103 WITH ENGLISH!!!!!!! *clench fist*
You know how 'one' can make a difference? 'One' mark determines whether my physics and literature will jump to the next grade. And that same number 'one' determines whether I will be invited to the Meet-The-Parents session.
See? 'One' is this heavy. *sighhhh*
Since I have started weirdly, I shall end weirdly too! :D
When you dream
That you like a guy
But the love stops
The moment
You wake up
It means
In reality
You hate him.
All the weird things I have wrote are written out randomly and without logic.
I can't help it.I am very bored ://////
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Where's 103
ARGH! Why didn't anyone sub Reborn Ep 103?
It's been like 4 days since it is aired in Japan??? And you can only find those fake videos in youtube? Or maybe Korean subbed ones? When there are more people who know English than Korean?
Sigh. Waiting is torturous ):
Went out with Wenyee and Veron on Sunday. Haha intended to go shopping but in the end kind of postponed to next week.
Hohoho. The results of all the hardwork for the examination are out this week. Coming back like darts. That hurts.
Uh wait, hardwork? Who am I kidding? ._.
All papers are back, except for Literature.
Haha I am happy about E and A maths. Though it could be better if I wasn't so careless. But I guess I don't have the rights to complain. Amaths was like a obstacle? From Ca to Sa1 dropped quite alot. But now back on track! (Thanks to in2;D )
That kind of sucks. Literature is going to determine my Meet-the-parents fate, I guess. Though left with English haven't really confirmed yet, but I think paper 1 not going to be very good )': But Literature is not looking too hopeful too! I guess I should try to get marks from subjects that pulls me down one grade just because of oneeee mark. Haha.
Haha after Cca today, some of the Sec3s stayed back to discuss about what we are going to buy for OpenHouse on Friday,on the outside.... :P Haha. Then Nurmatha came and disturbed us. Distracted me from the conversation. Lol. After that when we went home, Nurmatha went home and came to find me. Lol Escorted her to the Bus stop ;D
Express Chinese O'Level is coming soon! D:
Almost time to clear what's not cleared yet :D
PS: Zhiying is a stupid liar. ZZZ!
It's been like 4 days since it is aired in Japan??? And you can only find those fake videos in youtube? Or maybe Korean subbed ones? When there are more people who know English than Korean?
Sigh. Waiting is torturous ):
Went out with Wenyee and Veron on Sunday. Haha intended to go shopping but in the end kind of postponed to next week.
Hohoho. The results of all the hardwork for the examination are out this week. Coming back like darts. That hurts.
Uh wait, hardwork? Who am I kidding? ._.
All papers are back, except for Literature.
Haha I am happy about E and A maths. Though it could be better if I wasn't so careless. But I guess I don't have the rights to complain. Amaths was like a obstacle? From Ca to Sa1 dropped quite alot. But now back on track! (Thanks to in2;D )
That kind of sucks. Literature is going to determine my Meet-the-parents fate, I guess. Though left with English haven't really confirmed yet, but I think paper 1 not going to be very good )': But Literature is not looking too hopeful too! I guess I should try to get marks from subjects that pulls me down one grade just because of oneeee mark. Haha.
Haha after Cca today, some of the Sec3s stayed back to discuss about what we are going to buy for OpenHouse on Friday,on the outside.... :P Haha. Then Nurmatha came and disturbed us. Distracted me from the conversation. Lol. After that when we went home, Nurmatha went home and came to find me. Lol Escorted her to the Bus stop ;D
Express Chinese O'Level is coming soon! D:
Almost time to clear what's not cleared yet :D
PS: Zhiying is a stupid liar. ZZZ!
Friday, October 10, 2008
The reason why I am using the computer now is because....
My brother sprained his neck :D:
Hahahaa thats how i feeling now. A mixture of D: and :D
I hate science papers.Zzzz.
And today's oral is - -zzzz. What to do? Invigiliator Mrs Singh. Haha I laughed throughout the oral thing like last year, when she was my invigiliator too. Sigh! What can you expect? When I walk inside, she was eating her breakfast.Biscuit with teh? Heeee.
In the afternoon went to watch 保持通话Connected with Wenyee and Veronica. Hohohoho. Tell me when's the last time three of us went to catch a movie together? This kind of occasion is called "Precious" :DDDD
Cheeerss!!! Alot of people are watching Reborn!!! WOOO!
Learning how to prioritize.
My brother sprained his neck :D:
Hahahaa thats how i feeling now. A mixture of D: and :D
I hate science papers.Zzzz.
And today's oral is - -zzzz. What to do? Invigiliator Mrs Singh. Haha I laughed throughout the oral thing like last year, when she was my invigiliator too. Sigh! What can you expect? When I walk inside, she was eating her breakfast.Biscuit with teh? Heeee.
In the afternoon went to watch 保持通话Connected with Wenyee and Veronica. Hohohoho. Tell me when's the last time three of us went to catch a movie together? This kind of occasion is called "Precious" :DDDD
Cheeerss!!! Alot of people are watching Reborn!!! WOOO!
Learning how to prioritize.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Kufufu no fu ~Boku to Keiyaku~
=(Kufufu no fu ~A Contract with me~)
masaka bokuga kono tede kimini fureru nantene
kimiwa sono amasa yue bokuni nottorareru
=(I never thought I would be touching you with these hands)
=(you would be possessed by me because of that naivety)
goran bokuno Odd Eye obieta kao utsusuyo
aete ureshii desuyo nante betasugidesu
=(please look at my Odd Eye, it reflects your scared face)
=(" I'm happy to have met you " --such words are too cliched)
saa bokuto keiyaku shimasenka?
kioku nakusu sono maeni
=(come now, won't you sign a contract with me?)
=(before you lose your memory)
kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu
odorasete agemasuyo kirino Carnevale
jyunsuide utsukushii sekaini nareba
ayatsurareta kimiwa bokuto eienno Samba
=(kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu)
=(I'll let you dance at the Carnevale of the mist)
=(if the pure and beautiful world comes)
=(you who are manipulated would Samba with me forever)
rakuni shite agemasuyo kimiga negai kounara
itshuunde iidesuka? oyaoya towani desuka?
=(I'll let you to be at ease, if you'd wish and beg for it)
=(is just an instant okay? my my, forever, you say?)
naku nante riyuuga wakaranai
bokuga warui mitaidesu
=(I don't understand why you would cry)
=(it looks like I am at fault)
kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu
kizukasete agemasuyo kimino unmeiwo
Step wo fuminagara koware hajimeru
kanashii meno kimiwa bokuno itoshii omocha (desukane)
=(kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu)
=(I'll let you realize your fate)
=(treading the Steps, while beginning to break down)
=(you with the sad eyes are my beloved toy (I wonder))
saa bokuto keiyaku shimasenka?
kioku nakusu sono maeni
=(come now, won't you sign a contract with me?)
=(before you lose your memory)
kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu
odorasete agemasuyo kirino Carnevale
jyunsuide utsukushii sekaini nareba
ayatsurareta kimiwa bokuto eienno Samba
=(kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu)
=(I'll let you dance at the Carnevale of the mist)
=(if the pure and beautiful world comes)
=(you who are manipulated would Samba with me forever)
At first I thought this song like very happy or what. Walau. Stupid illionist. Haha but it never fails to amuse everytime I listen to it.
Illusion hides reality. But when you believe in illusion, reality becomes illusion.
Hibari Kyouya ~Hitoribocchi no Sadame~
Hitoribotchi no Sadame
=(Destiny of Solitude)
deaeta guuzen taisetsuni shitaine to
furueru tewo sashidasu kimi
=(a chance encounter ; saying that you want to value it,)
=(you held out your shaking hand)
manzokudesho mou shikaikara kieusete
jyanaito kizutsukuyo
=(are you satisfied now? please disappear from my view already)
=(if you don't, you'll get hurt)
Wao! ainante shiranai aishikata wakaranai
eienni hitoribotchino sadame
Wao! egaomo namidamo yowamushino shiwazadane
arugamamano sugatade nasugamamano kokorode
ikite iku bokuno jyama shinaide
=(Wao! I don't know love I don't know how to love)
=(forever destined to be in solitude)
=(Wao! smiles and tears are all actions of a weakling)
=(with my appearance as it is, and with my heart as it please,)
=(I am living on, would you not obstruct my way?)
wakari yasuiyone itsumo massugudayone
naosara kizutsukuyo
=(you're easy to figure out, you're always honest)
=(you'll get hurt all the more)
Wao! sokode nanishitenno? youjiwa nanimo naiyo
itsudatte hitori arukino michisa
Wao! hanashi kakenaide honto mureru yatsuwa kirai
otonashiku shite inayo motto hanareta bashode
ikitereba kimino jyama shinaiyo
=(Wao! what are you doing there? I don't have anything to do with you)
=(it's always a road I walk alone)
=(Wao! don't try to talk to me, I really hate people who crowd around)
=(just stay quiet, at somewhere more away from me)
=(if you do so, I won't be bothering you)
kimino youna yatsuwa nigate
sukoshi choushi kuruuyo ~Why?~
=(I don't know how to deal with someone like you)
=(my style gets thrown off balance a little ~Why?~)
Wao! ainante shiranai aishikata wakaranai
eienni hitoribotchino sadame
Wao! egaomo namidamo yowamushino shiwazadane
arugamamano sugatade nasugamamano kokorode
ikiteiku bokuno jyama shinaide
=(Wao! I don't know love I don't know how to love)
=(forever destined to be in solitude)
=(Wao! smiles and tears are all actions of a weakling)
=(with my appearance as it is, and with my heart as it please,)
=(I am living on, would you not obstruct my way?)
kore ijyou bokuni chikazukunayo
=(please don't get closer to me more than you already are)
At first I thought this song was just some emo song so didn't really pay alot of attention to it, including the fact that it is sang by Hibari. Now with the lyrics translated, My heart bleeds for Hibari! ): But right, is he chooses to be alone everytime. Haha.
=(Kufufu no fu ~A Contract with me~)
masaka bokuga kono tede kimini fureru nantene
kimiwa sono amasa yue bokuni nottorareru
=(I never thought I would be touching you with these hands)
=(you would be possessed by me because of that naivety)
goran bokuno Odd Eye obieta kao utsusuyo
aete ureshii desuyo nante betasugidesu
=(please look at my Odd Eye, it reflects your scared face)
=(" I'm happy to have met you " --such words are too cliched)
saa bokuto keiyaku shimasenka?
kioku nakusu sono maeni
=(come now, won't you sign a contract with me?)
=(before you lose your memory)
kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu
odorasete agemasuyo kirino Carnevale
jyunsuide utsukushii sekaini nareba
ayatsurareta kimiwa bokuto eienno Samba
=(kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu)
=(I'll let you dance at the Carnevale of the mist)
=(if the pure and beautiful world comes)
=(you who are manipulated would Samba with me forever)
rakuni shite agemasuyo kimiga negai kounara
itshuunde iidesuka? oyaoya towani desuka?
=(I'll let you to be at ease, if you'd wish and beg for it)
=(is just an instant okay? my my, forever, you say?)
naku nante riyuuga wakaranai
bokuga warui mitaidesu
=(I don't understand why you would cry)
=(it looks like I am at fault)
kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu
kizukasete agemasuyo kimino unmeiwo
Step wo fuminagara koware hajimeru
kanashii meno kimiwa bokuno itoshii omocha (desukane)
=(kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu)
=(I'll let you realize your fate)
=(treading the Steps, while beginning to break down)
=(you with the sad eyes are my beloved toy (I wonder))
saa bokuto keiyaku shimasenka?
kioku nakusu sono maeni
=(come now, won't you sign a contract with me?)
=(before you lose your memory)
kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu
odorasete agemasuyo kirino Carnevale
jyunsuide utsukushii sekaini nareba
ayatsurareta kimiwa bokuto eienno Samba
=(kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu)
=(I'll let you dance at the Carnevale of the mist)
=(if the pure and beautiful world comes)
=(you who are manipulated would Samba with me forever)
At first I thought this song like very happy or what. Walau. Stupid illionist. Haha but it never fails to amuse everytime I listen to it.
Illusion hides reality. But when you believe in illusion, reality becomes illusion.
Hibari Kyouya ~Hitoribocchi no Sadame~
Hitoribotchi no Sadame
=(Destiny of Solitude)
deaeta guuzen taisetsuni shitaine to
furueru tewo sashidasu kimi
=(a chance encounter ; saying that you want to value it,)
=(you held out your shaking hand)
manzokudesho mou shikaikara kieusete
jyanaito kizutsukuyo
=(are you satisfied now? please disappear from my view already)
=(if you don't, you'll get hurt)
Wao! ainante shiranai aishikata wakaranai
eienni hitoribotchino sadame
Wao! egaomo namidamo yowamushino shiwazadane
arugamamano sugatade nasugamamano kokorode
ikite iku bokuno jyama shinaide
=(Wao! I don't know love I don't know how to love)
=(forever destined to be in solitude)
=(Wao! smiles and tears are all actions of a weakling)
=(with my appearance as it is, and with my heart as it please,)
=(I am living on, would you not obstruct my way?)
wakari yasuiyone itsumo massugudayone
naosara kizutsukuyo
=(you're easy to figure out, you're always honest)
=(you'll get hurt all the more)
Wao! sokode nanishitenno? youjiwa nanimo naiyo
itsudatte hitori arukino michisa
Wao! hanashi kakenaide honto mureru yatsuwa kirai
otonashiku shite inayo motto hanareta bashode
ikitereba kimino jyama shinaiyo
=(Wao! what are you doing there? I don't have anything to do with you)
=(it's always a road I walk alone)
=(Wao! don't try to talk to me, I really hate people who crowd around)
=(just stay quiet, at somewhere more away from me)
=(if you do so, I won't be bothering you)
kimino youna yatsuwa nigate
sukoshi choushi kuruuyo ~Why?~
=(I don't know how to deal with someone like you)
=(my style gets thrown off balance a little ~Why?~)
Wao! ainante shiranai aishikata wakaranai
eienni hitoribotchino sadame
Wao! egaomo namidamo yowamushino shiwazadane
arugamamano sugatade nasugamamano kokorode
ikiteiku bokuno jyama shinaide
=(Wao! I don't know love I don't know how to love)
=(forever destined to be in solitude)
=(Wao! smiles and tears are all actions of a weakling)
=(with my appearance as it is, and with my heart as it please,)
=(I am living on, would you not obstruct my way?)
kore ijyou bokuni chikazukunayo
=(please don't get closer to me more than you already are)
At first I thought this song was just some emo song so didn't really pay alot of attention to it, including the fact that it is sang by Hibari. Now with the lyrics translated, My heart bleeds for Hibari! ): But right, is he chooses to be alone everytime. Haha.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Katekyo Hitman Reborn songs!
Vongola Family - Famiglia
Kono sora wa doko he, hiro ga te iru no
kono michi wa doko he, tsuzu ii te iru no
Kino yori asu ga, tooku ni mietemo
Yakusoku no bashou de, kimi ga matte iru
Hidori de wa nani mo dekinai,
Boku dakedo kimi wo mamori taikara
Tsuyoku naru, sonna omoi ga,
Yuuki atae te kureru
Hidori de wa nani mo dekinai,
Bokura demo minna o mamoru tame
Tsuyoku naru, sonna omoi ga,
Chikara o hakoun dekuru
Sabishi kute namida, koubosu himo atta,
Kuyashi kute namida tomaranagata
Kagami ni utsuu ta, ano hino jibun ni,
Yakusoku no bashou de, mune o hareru yo ni
Ippozutsu mae ni susumou,
Sono tabi ni shiren ga matta itemo
Yuri kokeba sasaete kureru,
nakama ga genki kureru
Ippozutsu mae ni susumou,
Nando demo tachiko katte ikeru
Itsudatte meni wa mienai,
Ai ni mamorare teiru
Hibari: Kokoro kara, arigatou ieru
Ryohei: Sonna hi ga kuru, shinjite yukou
Mukuro: Kono mune ni yume ga aru kagiri
Lambo: Bokura no tabi wa tsuzuku yo
Tsuna: Oozora ni te ogazaseba hora
Gokudera: Hanarete itemo te totetsu nageru
Yamamoto: Mamori tai egao mabushi sani
Reborn: Kagayaku kimi wa sou FAMIRI
Kono kaze wa doko he, tsuta watte yukuno
Kono hoshi wa doko he, megutte yukuno
Donna ashita demo, tashikameni yukou
Ima no boku ni datte, kitto imi ga aru
Kyoko: Ano koro no, mishiranu bashou ni
Haru: Tadoritsuki kimi to warai atteru
I-pin: Bukiyou ni kowashite yume mo
Kyoko, Haru, I-Pin:
Kokoro ni hana o sakasu
Mukuro: Kiri ga kakatte
Hibari: Kumo ga araware
Yamamoto: Fukitsukeru ame
Lambo: Okotta TANDARU
Gokudera: Arashi no ato no
Ryohei: Harema ni itsumo
Tsuna: Subete o tsutsumu oozora
Kokoro kara arigatou ieru, Sonna hi ga kuru shinjite yukou
Kono mune ni yume ga aru kagiri, jiyuu no tsubasa hirogete
Oozora ni te ogazaseba hora, Hanarete itemo te totetsu nageru
Mamori tai egao mabushi sani, ikiru bokura wa (ichi, ni, san) sou FAMIRI FAMIRI
Sakura addiction - Hibari & Mokuro
sakurasaku maiochiru
nanimonai boku no te no ue
hakankute yasashikute
kowaresou kimi mitai na hana
itsumo no kaisatsu wo surinuketeiku ano ko wa sou
kagayaku me wo shite mainichi nanika tsukami totte yukun da
boku wa to ieba nanimonai mainichi kurikaeshite
hieta kokoro mottesa hana hiraku shunkan sagashite me wo tojiru
sakurasaku maiochiru
nanimonai boku no te no ue
hakankute yasashikute
kowaresou kimi mitai na hana
yogoreta supaiku nara kokoro no oku nishimaikonda
kore de iindayo to sugiyuku haru no nigemichi sagashiterun darou
nakushite akirameta boru mitsukete kureta no wa kimi deshita
haru ga kuru sakihokoru
gurando ga kaze ni yureru
fumishimete nakidashita
koboresou kimi mitai na hana
koko ni aru wasuremono
tori ni kita boku no te no ue
hakanukete yasashikute
korewasou kimi mitai na hana
I don't know why Hibari and Mokuro sang this together. But I like this song ;D
Kufufu no Fu ~Boku to Keiyaku~ - Rokudo Mokuro
masaka boku ga kono te de
kimi ni fureru nante ne
kimi wa sono amasayue
boku ni nottorareru
goran boku no *ODDO AI
obietaka wo mutsusuyo
Aete ureshii desuyo
nante betasugi desu
Saa, boku to keiyaku shimasenka?
kioku nakusu, sono mae ni
kufufu, kufufu, kufufu no fu
odorasete agemasu yo
junsui de utsukushii, sekai ni nareba
ayatsurareta kimi wa boku to eien no SAMBA
raku ni shite agemasu yo
kimi ga negai kou nara
‘isshun de ii desuka’
oya oya, towa ni desu ka
naku nante riyuu ga wakaranai
boku ga warui mitai desu
kufufu, kufufu, kufufu no fu
kitzukekasete agemasu yo
kimi no unmei wo
SUTEPPU wo fuminagara, koware hajimeru
kanashii me no kimi wa boku no
itoshii omocha (desuka ne)
Saa, boku to keiyaku shimasenka?
kioku nakusu, sono mae ni
kufufu, kufufu, kufufu no fu
odorasete agemasu yo
junsui de utsukushii, sekai ni nareba
ayatsurareta kimi wa boku to eien no SAMBA
This song... HAHA.. joker song. Mokuro and his evil laugh (Kufufu) And he attempted to sing it out. Heeee Mokuro rules! ;D
Source of lyrics: http://community.livejournal.com/hitman_reborn/
There are a lot of nice songs they sang at the carnival thing! But it's either I can't find the lyrics or youtube don't have the video. Aw ):
Kono sora wa doko he, hiro ga te iru no
kono michi wa doko he, tsuzu ii te iru no
Kino yori asu ga, tooku ni mietemo
Yakusoku no bashou de, kimi ga matte iru
Hidori de wa nani mo dekinai,
Boku dakedo kimi wo mamori taikara
Tsuyoku naru, sonna omoi ga,
Yuuki atae te kureru
Hidori de wa nani mo dekinai,
Bokura demo minna o mamoru tame
Tsuyoku naru, sonna omoi ga,
Chikara o hakoun dekuru
Sabishi kute namida, koubosu himo atta,
Kuyashi kute namida tomaranagata
Kagami ni utsuu ta, ano hino jibun ni,
Yakusoku no bashou de, mune o hareru yo ni
Ippozutsu mae ni susumou,
Sono tabi ni shiren ga matta itemo
Yuri kokeba sasaete kureru,
nakama ga genki kureru
Ippozutsu mae ni susumou,
Nando demo tachiko katte ikeru
Itsudatte meni wa mienai,
Ai ni mamorare teiru
Hibari: Kokoro kara, arigatou ieru
Ryohei: Sonna hi ga kuru, shinjite yukou
Mukuro: Kono mune ni yume ga aru kagiri
Lambo: Bokura no tabi wa tsuzuku yo
Tsuna: Oozora ni te ogazaseba hora
Gokudera: Hanarete itemo te totetsu nageru
Yamamoto: Mamori tai egao mabushi sani
Reborn: Kagayaku kimi wa sou FAMIRI
Kono kaze wa doko he, tsuta watte yukuno
Kono hoshi wa doko he, megutte yukuno
Donna ashita demo, tashikameni yukou
Ima no boku ni datte, kitto imi ga aru
Kyoko: Ano koro no, mishiranu bashou ni
Haru: Tadoritsuki kimi to warai atteru
I-pin: Bukiyou ni kowashite yume mo
Kyoko, Haru, I-Pin:
Kokoro ni hana o sakasu
Mukuro: Kiri ga kakatte
Hibari: Kumo ga araware
Yamamoto: Fukitsukeru ame
Lambo: Okotta TANDARU
Gokudera: Arashi no ato no
Ryohei: Harema ni itsumo
Tsuna: Subete o tsutsumu oozora
Kokoro kara arigatou ieru, Sonna hi ga kuru shinjite yukou
Kono mune ni yume ga aru kagiri, jiyuu no tsubasa hirogete
Oozora ni te ogazaseba hora, Hanarete itemo te totetsu nageru
Mamori tai egao mabushi sani, ikiru bokura wa (ichi, ni, san) sou FAMIRI FAMIRI
Sakura addiction - Hibari & Mokuro
sakurasaku maiochiru
nanimonai boku no te no ue
hakankute yasashikute
kowaresou kimi mitai na hana
itsumo no kaisatsu wo surinuketeiku ano ko wa sou
kagayaku me wo shite mainichi nanika tsukami totte yukun da
boku wa to ieba nanimonai mainichi kurikaeshite
hieta kokoro mottesa hana hiraku shunkan sagashite me wo tojiru
sakurasaku maiochiru
nanimonai boku no te no ue
hakankute yasashikute
kowaresou kimi mitai na hana
yogoreta supaiku nara kokoro no oku nishimaikonda
kore de iindayo to sugiyuku haru no nigemichi sagashiterun darou
nakushite akirameta boru mitsukete kureta no wa kimi deshita
haru ga kuru sakihokoru
gurando ga kaze ni yureru
fumishimete nakidashita
koboresou kimi mitai na hana
koko ni aru wasuremono
tori ni kita boku no te no ue
hakanukete yasashikute
korewasou kimi mitai na hana
I don't know why Hibari and Mokuro sang this together. But I like this song ;D
Kufufu no Fu ~Boku to Keiyaku~ - Rokudo Mokuro
masaka boku ga kono te de
kimi ni fureru nante ne
kimi wa sono amasayue
boku ni nottorareru
goran boku no *ODDO AI
obietaka wo mutsusuyo
Aete ureshii desuyo
nante betasugi desu
Saa, boku to keiyaku shimasenka?
kioku nakusu, sono mae ni
kufufu, kufufu, kufufu no fu
odorasete agemasu yo
junsui de utsukushii, sekai ni nareba
ayatsurareta kimi wa boku to eien no SAMBA
raku ni shite agemasu yo
kimi ga negai kou nara
‘isshun de ii desuka’
oya oya, towa ni desu ka
naku nante riyuu ga wakaranai
boku ga warui mitai desu
kufufu, kufufu, kufufu no fu
kitzukekasete agemasu yo
kimi no unmei wo
SUTEPPU wo fuminagara, koware hajimeru
kanashii me no kimi wa boku no
itoshii omocha (desuka ne)
Saa, boku to keiyaku shimasenka?
kioku nakusu, sono mae ni
kufufu, kufufu, kufufu no fu
odorasete agemasu yo
junsui de utsukushii, sekai ni nareba
ayatsurareta kimi wa boku to eien no SAMBA
This song... HAHA.. joker song. Mokuro and his evil laugh (Kufufu) And he attempted to sing it out. Heeee Mokuro rules! ;D
Source of lyrics: http://community.livejournal.com/hitman_reborn/
There are a lot of nice songs they sang at the carnival thing! But it's either I can't find the lyrics or youtube don't have the video. Aw ):
Kami korosu yo.
Only one word to describe : HOTNESS.
Quotes that leaves most impression:
-Kami korosu yo >>> Hibari's favourite sentence, meaning, I'll bite you to death.
-Gaaaa-maaa-nnn!!!*cries*>>> by Lambo whenever he is defeated, meaning, Gotta stay calm.
-Ju dai me !!!>>> by Gokudera, meaning, Tenth.
-Kola!>>>ending word of every sentence spoke by Cololenllo, meaning Hey.
Heeeeee. Unknowingly, I have fallen in love with all the characters. Lol. And their seiyuus (voice actors)
Lambo's seiyuu is damn pro. She can even sing in Lambo mode. & she is the seiyuu of Naruto D:
The first time I heard Hibari sing brought a lot of goosebumps. Haha.
& Colonello's seiyu is cute XDDD *eyes glitter*
Neeko, seiyuu of Reborn, owns all. I think that voice is her real voice :D
It's very amusing to see real human speaking with the voice of anime characters. (Okay I know it's suppose to be people voice-playing anime characters, but thats the effect you get when you hear the real life seiyuu speak. )
I shall amused myself even more.
Back to watching Vongola Saikyou no Carnival 2008 again.
ps: youtube has a lot of weird pairings of the characters, including guys to guys and girls to girls. Haha The idea of Hibari with a guy is way better than with a girl. I can finally understand why Kendra is so obsessed about gays. LOL
Quotes that leaves most impression:
-Kami korosu yo >>> Hibari's favourite sentence, meaning, I'll bite you to death.
-Gaaaa-maaa-nnn!!!*cries*>>> by Lambo whenever he is defeated, meaning, Gotta stay calm.
-Ju dai me !!!>>> by Gokudera, meaning, Tenth.
-Kola!>>>ending word of every sentence spoke by Cololenllo, meaning Hey.
Heeeeee. Unknowingly, I have fallen in love with all the characters. Lol. And their seiyuus (voice actors)
Lambo's seiyuu is damn pro. She can even sing in Lambo mode. & she is the seiyuu of Naruto D:
The first time I heard Hibari sing brought a lot of goosebumps. Haha.
& Colonello's seiyu is cute XDDD *eyes glitter*
Neeko, seiyuu of Reborn, owns all. I think that voice is her real voice :D
It's very amusing to see real human speaking with the voice of anime characters. (Okay I know it's suppose to be people voice-playing anime characters, but thats the effect you get when you hear the real life seiyuu speak. )
I shall amused myself even more.
Back to watching Vongola Saikyou no Carnival 2008 again.
ps: youtube has a lot of weird pairings of the characters, including guys to guys and girls to girls. Haha The idea of Hibari with a guy is way better than with a girl. I can finally understand why Kendra is so obsessed about gays. LOL
Monday, October 06, 2008
I need my daily dosage of Katekyo Hitman Reborn!!!!!!!
As you can see, the dosage is out of stock so I need to change it to weekly. Sigh!
That also means Weekly Hibari. ._. *sobs!!!*
I feel lost ):
It's okay shall dream about him! ;D
(Though I dreamt of him last night and it seems to turn out to be a nightmare. Oh wells.)
Maybe I should be grateful. I think I can focus on my upcoming science papers.
Confirmed 2 marks lost for emaths paper 2 and 4 marks lost for amaths paper 2. Good job man.
Heeee. I feel motivated (:
I need my daily dosage of Katekyo Hitman Reborn!!!!!!!
As you can see, the dosage is out of stock so I need to change it to weekly. Sigh!
That also means Weekly Hibari. ._. *sobs!!!*
I feel lost ):
It's okay shall dream about him! ;D
(Though I dreamt of him last night and it seems to turn out to be a nightmare. Oh wells.)
Maybe I should be grateful. I think I can focus on my upcoming science papers.
Confirmed 2 marks lost for emaths paper 2 and 4 marks lost for amaths paper 2. Good job man.
Heeee. I feel motivated (:
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Something to be proud of: I put in effort to mug for Amaths and Emaths! ;D
Something I am guilty of: I chiong-ed Reborn till Ep 83 and got my bro a little addicted too? ._.
Hahahahaha. I am proud that I actually got study for Amaths and Emaths and Geography, but I haven't start on Sciences and didn't revise much on Literature ):
Woooo! Haha. I guess Reborn is going to bring back my interest for Japanese. Not surprised. My passion die down everytime I am not addicted to any anime. Haha.
Actually if an anime makes you realise something that change the way you think about life, it's not that bad afterall, right? [: IT'S GREAT AND HEALTHY HAHA.
& after much experience, I concluded that I am attracted to characters that have authority, strength, intelligence and is independent. Ahhhhh. Hibari is too attractive. Even I-pin explodes everytime she see him O:
Actually, I am a secret crush on Reborn too. Opps! Haha. He has got everything to attract me. If he's not in the infant form, I guess I will make it official. HEEE!
Hoho I watched until the part where they travel to the future. I will be at the same line as Zhiying soon ;D No more spoilers from him.
你选择了自己 wo~
努力就有结局 wo~
忘记,并不难. You are just a small part of everytime. Too small. I am not going to focus on this small imcomplete part and carry on being affected. Life's about accepting reality afterall. But I shall keep you as memories, deep inside (: I.Have.Gotten.Over.You.Completely.
Something to be proud of: I put in effort to mug for Amaths and Emaths! ;D
Something I am guilty of: I chiong-ed Reborn till Ep 83 and got my bro a little addicted too? ._.
Hahahahaha. I am proud that I actually got study for Amaths and Emaths and Geography, but I haven't start on Sciences and didn't revise much on Literature ):
Woooo! Haha. I guess Reborn is going to bring back my interest for Japanese. Not surprised. My passion die down everytime I am not addicted to any anime. Haha.
Actually if an anime makes you realise something that change the way you think about life, it's not that bad afterall, right? [: IT'S GREAT AND HEALTHY HAHA.
& after much experience, I concluded that I am attracted to characters that have authority, strength, intelligence and is independent. Ahhhhh. Hibari is too attractive. Even I-pin explodes everytime she see him O:
Actually, I am a secret crush on Reborn too. Opps! Haha. He has got everything to attract me. If he's not in the infant form, I guess I will make it official. HEEE!
Hoho I watched until the part where they travel to the future. I will be at the same line as Zhiying soon ;D No more spoilers from him.
你选择了自己 wo~
努力就有结局 wo~
忘记,并不难. You are just a small part of everytime. Too small. I am not going to focus on this small imcomplete part and carry on being affected. Life's about accepting reality afterall. But I shall keep you as memories, deep inside (: I.Have.Gotten.Over.You.Completely.
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