How to imagine things in other people's point of view?
How to imagine how they felt when people were doing something?
What was their feeling?
Why did it happen?
How did they?
How did people lived their lives?
How was their past?
How do people wish they could predict the future?
How do people want to watch what happened before from another point of view?
Or maybe, how do they want to watch someone else's past.
But, how?
How do people live their life being so heartless?
How do people live their life being so kind?
How do people live their life without sparing a thought for others?
How do people live their life stepping into other people's skin and walk with it?
How do people being treated heartlessly live?
How do people being treated kindly live?
How do people without being spared a thought for live?
How do people who have people who understand their situation live?
How to accept.......reality?
How did I write this post?
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Still tired LOL
Haha!Yesterday was a good night sleep!!:D Hugged my bear to sleep! LOL didn't realise it till I woke up and found myself hugging it!It felt soooo warm!!Haha.Suddenly have a 幸福的感觉. (God.I think I am getting retarded..........) But need to go Cca so can't sleep anymore )):
It's okay!Shall continue my sleep with my bear tonight!LOL.
Nurmatha please repeat after me:
"I am strong.I can't get destroyed!!:D"
And a word for you,
"Nothing deserve the worst punishment,Soulmate!",
which is my pm currently.
Soulmate is not weak.Soulmate is strong!!
You are strong but that doesn't mean you can lie!I am like so innocent?How can you lie and make up stories about me )))):
I feel strong today too!!!!!:D
Haha!Yesterday was a good night sleep!!:D Hugged my bear to sleep! LOL didn't realise it till I woke up and found myself hugging it!It felt soooo warm!!Haha.Suddenly have a 幸福的感觉. (God.I think I am getting retarded..........) But need to go Cca so can't sleep anymore )):
It's okay!Shall continue my sleep with my bear tonight!LOL.
Nurmatha please repeat after me:
"I am strong.I can't get destroyed!!:D"
And a word for you,
"Nothing deserve the worst punishment,Soulmate!",
which is my pm currently.
Soulmate is not weak.Soulmate is strong!!
You are strong but that doesn't mean you can lie!I am like so innocent?How can you lie and make up stories about me )))):
I feel strong today too!!!!!:D
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tired *yawn*
Lol.Woots.My grandmother is going to be out of ICU!Haha.She will be transfered to some other not so serious ward.Yeap!
Haha I think Nurmatha is stupid.She says she is going to post about me about a particular thing, but in the end she would post about something else.How dumb ;ppp Lol.She said her motivation is dead.Mine is half-dead.At least her self-motivation is stronger than anything.I seriously don't know how to motivate myself :///
I think I am like half-dead already.My holiday started of boring-ly.I am not doing what I am suppose to do....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ......................
I have fallen into the small bottle of perfume that comes with CLEO this month.Ahhhhhhhh.....
Lol I borrowed 5 books yesterday when I went to Westmall.One book about my horoscope, two books chinese love novel and two english novel.
Ever since somethings changed, I need to be reminded what my horoscope says I am.Wow.
Under circumstances,I will change, but the outcome will not be good.So it's still better to let me be myself.
Haha I have strong feelings for babies inside pregnant women suddenly O: (PS: I always have strong feelings for babies.But now I am referring to those still inside their mother's womb.)I think I got influenced by two shows, "Fated to love you" and HongKong show "The Journey Called Life"!LOL.
Quote from "Fated to love you" Ep 5:
Hahahaha I am very tired today because last night I didn't sleep well!): Lol. And this few days kept dreaming about the same topic. Argh.
I suddenly like grey alot.
Lol.Woots.My grandmother is going to be out of ICU!Haha.She will be transfered to some other not so serious ward.Yeap!
Haha I think Nurmatha is stupid.She says she is going to post about me about a particular thing, but in the end she would post about something else.How dumb ;ppp Lol.She said her motivation is dead.Mine is half-dead.At least her self-motivation is stronger than anything.I seriously don't know how to motivate myself :///
I think I am like half-dead already.My holiday started of boring-ly.I am not doing what I am suppose to do....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ......................
I have fallen into the small bottle of perfume that comes with CLEO this month.Ahhhhhhhh.....
Lol I borrowed 5 books yesterday when I went to Westmall.One book about my horoscope, two books chinese love novel and two english novel.
Ever since somethings changed, I need to be reminded what my horoscope says I am.Wow.
Under circumstances,I will change, but the outcome will not be good.So it's still better to let me be myself.
Haha I have strong feelings for babies inside pregnant women suddenly O: (PS: I always have strong feelings for babies.But now I am referring to those still inside their mother's womb.)I think I got influenced by two shows, "Fated to love you" and HongKong show "The Journey Called Life"!LOL.
Quote from "Fated to love you" Ep 5:
Hahahaha I am very tired today because last night I didn't sleep well!): Lol. And this few days kept dreaming about the same topic. Argh.
I suddenly like grey alot.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
See any picture??
You see Nothing????LOL Yup that 'picture' is for Nurmatha.Nurmatha and Nothing.See the link?Woots both N.Lol... ==
Haha Nurmatha is sooo soooo soooo dumb.She invented "Appetizer operation"!As its name suggest,it's to get the appetizer out of your stomach!How cool!LOL.Dumb Nurmatha.Soul-less mate.Tsktsktsk.
Lol we talked about stupid things and I was making some personal remarks about some people ;pppp Opps.I don't mean to be mean.Haha.Then I was saying about the difference between a fact and an opinion.Haha.Fact.It's a fact!
Today went to tuition centre with WenYee.Lol.Disturbed Ms Soh ;p Then went to Westmall to eat and I borrowed 5 books!And went back to tuiton centre@ 369 to disturb Ms Soh again Lol.
After that went to hospital.Godddd.ICU quite scary.Alot of equipments! DDDD: My grandmother's operation was quite successful I think.She had an ulcer in the intestine or something.She looked fine today.Yup [:
Don't really like holiday zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Especially one with so much changes......
You see Nothing????LOL Yup that 'picture' is for Nurmatha.Nurmatha and Nothing.See the link?Woots both N.Lol... ==
Haha Nurmatha is sooo soooo soooo dumb.She invented "Appetizer operation"!As its name suggest,it's to get the appetizer out of your stomach!How cool!LOL.Dumb Nurmatha.Soul-less mate.Tsktsktsk.
Lol we talked about stupid things and I was making some personal remarks about some people ;pppp Opps.I don't mean to be mean.Haha.Then I was saying about the difference between a fact and an opinion.Haha.Fact.It's a fact!
Today went to tuition centre with WenYee.Lol.Disturbed Ms Soh ;p Then went to Westmall to eat and I borrowed 5 books!And went back to tuiton centre@ 369 to disturb Ms Soh again Lol.
After that went to hospital.Godddd.ICU quite scary.Alot of equipments! DDDD: My grandmother's operation was quite successful I think.She had an ulcer in the intestine or something.She looked fine today.Yup [:
Don't really like holiday zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Especially one with so much changes......
Monday, May 26, 2008
Oh no!D:
Have you called 995 before??
Ah that's a retarded question.Yes I did.This morning.How interesting.Ambulance came and took my grandmother away the day before yesterday.Then yesterday she came back.And today they came again.Hai.
I have absolutely no idea what I am doing and have done this few days.Hurting others is a way to hurt yourself.I know this is not the first time it's happening anyway, so I shall wait for the time to fade everything, then maybe I may know what to do from there.Sigh.
(Or maybe,I just want to have some time alone to find centre, peace and serenity.Lol)
Ahem ahem.The deformation(?) of my voice is not caused by sorethroat.Flu is the culprit.Lol.Too many people asked whether I am having sorethroat :/
I used to use ":X" quite often.But evidently you can't any now.Because that time I saw a foolscap cover thing the smileys and stuff, and it wrote "BIG FAT KISS" for ":X".Yea and I read it from the internet that "X" was a symbol for kiss in some place and stuff.Lol.Since I know that ":X" had this meaning, I don't know how to continue using it lols.
Guess what?Today's monday!And guess what!"Fated to love you" is out!Woots.Lol.
It's not that I cannot adapt to the changes, I just don't want to. (Bleah.)
Ah that's a retarded question.Yes I did.This morning.How interesting.Ambulance came and took my grandmother away the day before yesterday.Then yesterday she came back.And today they came again.Hai.
I have absolutely no idea what I am doing and have done this few days.Hurting others is a way to hurt yourself.I know this is not the first time it's happening anyway, so I shall wait for the time to fade everything, then maybe I may know what to do from there.Sigh.
(Or maybe,I just want to have some time alone to find centre, peace and serenity.Lol)
Ahem ahem.The deformation(?) of my voice is not caused by sorethroat.Flu is the culprit.Lol.Too many people asked whether I am having sorethroat :/
I used to use ":X" quite often.But evidently you can't any now.Because that time I saw a foolscap cover thing the smileys and stuff, and it wrote "BIG FAT KISS" for ":X".Yea and I read it from the internet that "X" was a symbol for kiss in some place and stuff.Lol.Since I know that ":X" had this meaning, I don't know how to continue using it lols.
Guess what?Today's monday!And guess what!"Fated to love you" is out!Woots.Lol.
It's not that I cannot adapt to the changes, I just don't want to. (Bleah.)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Lesson learnt....
Sigh.Sigh.Sigh.I think I am sick on the wrong day.As in I got the mc on the wrong day.Next time must observe the stars and whatever if not I will miss out a lot of things,like yesterday.Zzzz.Like lagging behind for ages.
So lesson learnt? Don't be absent. *Sigh*
I didn't get my year book)): Haha YuanGeok forgot to pass to me D: Anyways, thank you for helping me take.Lol.
Heard from ZhiYing the only extra copy he passed to YuanGeok which is meant for me.So that kinda means YingQi don't have any???DDDD:
Awwww I freaking miss Ju Ren! Hai YingQi is not going to come to school this week.Awwww.Nevermind shall go out with her in the holidays ;D
See la, being absent make people miss you also..
Wa I didn't know after examination I can be so enthu about blogging! (:
Oh, the weather this few days is horrible!No wonder people are getting sick!Haha.WenYee!Get well soon!l[:
Yesterday night was like desert........SO WARM.Lol.I didn't sleep well even though I ate my bloody medicine which is suppose to escort me to dreamland in 30 min!Terrible night......Physically tired but mentally 100% awake.That's a torture.....
It's okay it's okay, shall get all the sleep I need during the holidays.
Hai.First it was examination.Then now it's gaming.
I think I am those kind of people who won't go to sleep just because they are scared of having nightmares.
Okay anyway let's talk about today.(I didn't know a sick people can crap so much....) Chemistry Practical was...erm quite okay....My partner was Joanne, and I seriously think I am dragging her down :/ I think she can work faster alone ._. Then having lack of sleep, I am a bit slow today.Reaction a bit off-beat.Lol.And guess what I did? I broke a test tube, just after Mr Damian said the test tube is quite cheap, only $0.50 each.Lol.It just slipped off my hand and landed on the sink.):
During literature we continued Off-centre from where we stopped on Tues.Haha.Luckily Ms Rina didn't show it yesterday.There's one disturbing, humiliating,digusting....etc etc scene, that I think Nurmatha told me once before(I think so..... ) Damn stupid.Don't like that scene!Haha Emily is funny!
Quotes for Nurmatha:
-Vinod:"Er.... what are you thinking of?"
Vinod:"I can't think of Nothing. Can I think of something?"
-Saloma:"I am strong, Nothing can destroy me."
Nurmatha!My heart bleed for you):
And I realised how things could go so wrong with the wrong thing)):
Suddenly very sleepy....Good nights.....
So lesson learnt? Don't be absent. *Sigh*
I didn't get my year book)): Haha YuanGeok forgot to pass to me D: Anyways, thank you for helping me take.Lol.
Heard from ZhiYing the only extra copy he passed to YuanGeok which is meant for me.So that kinda means YingQi don't have any???DDDD:
Awwww I freaking miss Ju Ren! Hai YingQi is not going to come to school this week.Awwww.Nevermind shall go out with her in the holidays ;D
See la, being absent make people miss you also..
Wa I didn't know after examination I can be so enthu about blogging! (:
Oh, the weather this few days is horrible!No wonder people are getting sick!Haha.WenYee!Get well soon!l[:
Yesterday night was like desert........SO WARM.Lol.I didn't sleep well even though I ate my bloody medicine which is suppose to escort me to dreamland in 30 min!Terrible night......Physically tired but mentally 100% awake.That's a torture.....
It's okay it's okay, shall get all the sleep I need during the holidays.
Hai.First it was examination.Then now it's gaming.
I think I am those kind of people who won't go to sleep just because they are scared of having nightmares.
Okay anyway let's talk about today.(I didn't know a sick people can crap so much....) Chemistry Practical was...erm quite okay....My partner was Joanne, and I seriously think I am dragging her down :/ I think she can work faster alone ._. Then having lack of sleep, I am a bit slow today.Reaction a bit off-beat.Lol.And guess what I did? I broke a test tube, just after Mr Damian said the test tube is quite cheap, only $0.50 each.Lol.It just slipped off my hand and landed on the sink.):
During literature we continued Off-centre from where we stopped on Tues.Haha.Luckily Ms Rina didn't show it yesterday.There's one disturbing, humiliating,digusting....etc etc scene, that I think Nurmatha told me once before(I think so..... ) Damn stupid.Don't like that scene!Haha Emily is funny!
Quotes for Nurmatha:
-Vinod:"Er.... what are you thinking of?"
Vinod:"I can't think of Nothing. Can I think of something?"
-Saloma:"I am strong, Nothing can destroy me."
Nurmatha!My heart bleed for you):
And I realised how things could go so wrong with the wrong thing)):
Suddenly very sleepy....Good nights.....
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I am sick ):
I don't like getting mc!)):
LOLLLL.Quite lame.But I spent alot of time thinking whether I should go to school or not :/
Haha and I regretted not going to school today zzzzzzzzzz
Lol I woke up in the morning, then I was thinking whether I should go school.Yesterday my mum was like "Don't go la, stay at home rest." Haha.Then today morning was asked to go back sleep.I was like still feeling drowsy x.x So I went back to sleep.I think I am turning into a pig, yesterday slept from 5.30pm to 12am.Then slept from 1am to 6am.Then from 6.30am to 12pm.Then sleeping after eating medicine is like damn shiok.Haha.Won't dream of anything, and will be very drowsy.
I haven't recover, sadly.But must go school tomorrow.No more mc.Haha.
I was having sorethroat on Fri and Sat.So just when my sorethroat's gonna recover, Sun got eye infection.Lol.Eye swollen D: Luckily Mon was public holiday.Lol then on Mon I got flu and cough.How wonderful.Yesterday went to school.Was having chest pain zzz.Didn't go for cca :/// Went to see doctor.Didn't go for tuition too.Today didn't go school.
Haha.Today I didn't drink anything cold!My cough is recovering, but my flu is still the same.Sigh.
Lol.Woots Mon watched Epi 10 of "Fated to love you"!Next Epi ChunXi gonna break with Anna and go back to XinYi!Muahahhaa.
Hai.So sad ): YingQi this whole week not coming to school )): Her grandfather went somewhere farrr farrr away.Hai.No more YingQi lessons are like damn boring )): Hai hai hai.
I think I am going crazy zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Nowadays I get moody easily.Zzzz.For no exact reason.Like now?
I think I am moody because I don't have any aim.Don't even have any specific topic to emo about.How sad!Lol sound so ridiculous.....Ah whatever.Haha.
Don't like changes that's occurring.....I still prefer things to work like how they used to.....Though I am quite adaptable,but that doesn't mean I like to adapt to changes..So changes, stop changing la!!
Whatever....Shall take my medicine and sleep again.Lol.:D
I don't like getting mc!)):
LOLLLL.Quite lame.But I spent alot of time thinking whether I should go to school or not :/
Haha and I regretted not going to school today zzzzzzzzzz
Lol I woke up in the morning, then I was thinking whether I should go school.Yesterday my mum was like "Don't go la, stay at home rest." Haha.Then today morning was asked to go back sleep.I was like still feeling drowsy x.x So I went back to sleep.I think I am turning into a pig, yesterday slept from 5.30pm to 12am.Then slept from 1am to 6am.Then from 6.30am to 12pm.Then sleeping after eating medicine is like damn shiok.Haha.Won't dream of anything, and will be very drowsy.
I haven't recover, sadly.But must go school tomorrow.No more mc.Haha.
I was having sorethroat on Fri and Sat.So just when my sorethroat's gonna recover, Sun got eye infection.Lol.Eye swollen D: Luckily Mon was public holiday.Lol then on Mon I got flu and cough.How wonderful.Yesterday went to school.Was having chest pain zzz.Didn't go for cca :/// Went to see doctor.Didn't go for tuition too.Today didn't go school.
Haha.Today I didn't drink anything cold!My cough is recovering, but my flu is still the same.Sigh.
Lol.Woots Mon watched Epi 10 of "Fated to love you"!Next Epi ChunXi gonna break with Anna and go back to XinYi!Muahahhaa.
Hai.So sad ): YingQi this whole week not coming to school )): Her grandfather went somewhere farrr farrr away.Hai.No more YingQi lessons are like damn boring )): Hai hai hai.
I think I am going crazy zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Nowadays I get moody easily.Zzzz.For no exact reason.Like now?
I think I am moody because I don't have any aim.Don't even have any specific topic to emo about.How sad!Lol sound so ridiculous.....Ah whatever.Haha.
Don't like changes that's occurring.....I still prefer things to work like how they used to.....Though I am quite adaptable,but that doesn't mean I like to adapt to changes..So changes, stop changing la!!
Whatever....Shall take my medicine and sleep again.Lol.:D
Friday, May 16, 2008

Awwwww!!!!The dog inside "Fated to love you" is damn cute!His real name is 张miumiu.LOLLLL.
This dog is born to be an actor!!

LOL.Guess what he is doing??
面壁思过.LOL.Cause inside the show he is suppose to be missing then when his owner found him,his owner kind of scolded him and told him not to 乱跑 again.Haha.The owner is RuanJingTian.Haha.It's like the director also never tell the dog to walk where yet, and then when RuanJingTian kind of throw him to the floor,he walked to the side of the bed and reflect and EMO.LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. And he stayed there for 5 min??LOL
Lol Went to watch "Nims Island" and "Speed racer" with Kangwei at Causyway.Lol I think Nims Island is not very nice.Not very interesting.Haha but "Speed racer" is nice!It's quite funny also ;D
Lol.Got back results for alot of paper.Going vomit blood.Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........Though there are more surprises than disappointment, but the disappointment is real bad la ;/
Haha.All results are given.Not as bad as Wednesday.In the afternoon went to tuition there with WenYee.Then went to take away DOUBLECHEESE BURGER and went to WenYee's condo to eat ;D Haha stayed until 8.30pm.We kept chatting and chatting.Hehe.
Haha today is a superb day la.Woke up with a sorethroat and now I think I am very very close to getting fever.TODAY IS BLOODY HOT.Haha.Got the PINK FORM.Because L1R5 shot over 20 by 2 marks.Nice right?22 is my index no. too.And our class only two pros who got the white form.In other words, 38/40 people from my class got the pink form.Lol.I think Joanne damn 可惜!She got 21 lei!(And coincidentally, her index no. is 21!) During Cca I heard from JiaHui her class 21 can get white form. ):
Lol then Cca resumed today.And some things didn't really went well.Haha Then we were suppose to do noticeboard and I was suppose to be in-charge but Valerie became in-charge since I am not well.Thanks ah Valerie Wong!:D
Must rest must rest, can't have sorethroat tomorrow!
(LOL I am suppose to be sleeping now....But since it's so late already, might as well continue staying awake and go and meet WenYee for tuition in half an hour's time [: )
My whole body is aching!D: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Haha.EPISODE 9 of FATED TO LOVE YOU is out liao!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol.Yesterday went to watch two movies with WenYee.First movie was Forbidden Kingdom.Lol the highlights of the movie should be the kungfu and the chiobus!I think half of the movie we were watching them fight nia.Haha.LiuYiFei and LiBingBing damn chio ;DDDDDDDD Lol I found the storyline very boring x.x
Haha 2nd movie was "what happened in vegas".LOL real comedy.This movie is nice and funny ;D One of the nicer movies out recently.
Lol during the 1st movie we bought NACHOS and Drink.LOL it's like we were inside for only 15 min or so then we finished the nachos and drink already x.x Haha and I realise I only like cheese with temperature.Those cold cheese....Yuck...Don't like!:/
Woots today going watch two movies with Kangwei haha.Got to go now!Tata!
Lol.Yesterday went to watch two movies with WenYee.First movie was Forbidden Kingdom.Lol the highlights of the movie should be the kungfu and the chiobus!I think half of the movie we were watching them fight nia.Haha.LiuYiFei and LiBingBing damn chio ;DDDDDDDD Lol I found the storyline very boring x.x
Haha 2nd movie was "what happened in vegas".LOL real comedy.This movie is nice and funny ;D One of the nicer movies out recently.
Lol during the 1st movie we bought NACHOS and Drink.LOL it's like we were inside for only 15 min or so then we finished the nachos and drink already x.x Haha and I realise I only like cheese with temperature.Those cold cheese....Yuck...Don't like!:/
Woots today going watch two movies with Kangwei haha.Got to go now!Tata!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Kbox :D
Nope,I wasn't angry with you.
I was angry with myself.
For what bloody reason did I think you can be trusted?
Why am I so stupid to trust someone,
someone who betrayed my trust for 2 times,
and let that person do it for the third time?
It's someone else's secret, I know,
and I told because you were my good friend?
And I thought you could be trusted for once?
Damn, how wrong I was.
To think I rejected invitation to somewhere I wanted to go,
just because I agreed I was coming along with you for something I wasn't very interested in,
just because I didn't want you to be disappointed.
So I decided to let you be disappointed for once,
because I suddenly remember how you pangseh-ed me because you were angry for I-don't-know-what reason.
Sorry, I don't know how to forgive and forget this time round.
Woots!!!Went kbox yesterday!;D
At first Christopher texted me saying YuanGeok asked if I want to go kbox.Ya and at first I had something on, but after that went along with them anyway.There was Christopher with his two cousins, YuanGeok and me!;D Went to JEC one.Haha We were quite funny la.Started to high only at when we were going to leave.LOL Tay keep Zi-High.Quite funny.KBOX IS FUN ;D Lalala.
Haha because I went to kbox which we left at 7, I was late for tuition because I went to eat ;/ Then while we were eating Tay was suggesting having a outing next either Mon or Tues.To sentosa most probably.Haha.
I am sick and tired of doing things according to people's like and dislike.
I shall do things according to what I want now.
I was angry with myself.
For what bloody reason did I think you can be trusted?
Why am I so stupid to trust someone,
someone who betrayed my trust for 2 times,
and let that person do it for the third time?
It's someone else's secret, I know,
and I told because you were my good friend?
And I thought you could be trusted for once?
Damn, how wrong I was.
To think I rejected invitation to somewhere I wanted to go,
just because I agreed I was coming along with you for something I wasn't very interested in,
just because I didn't want you to be disappointed.
So I decided to let you be disappointed for once,
because I suddenly remember how you pangseh-ed me because you were angry for I-don't-know-what reason.
Sorry, I don't know how to forgive and forget this time round.
Woots!!!Went kbox yesterday!;D
At first Christopher texted me saying YuanGeok asked if I want to go kbox.Ya and at first I had something on, but after that went along with them anyway.There was Christopher with his two cousins, YuanGeok and me!;D Went to JEC one.Haha We were quite funny la.Started to high only at when we were going to leave.LOL Tay keep Zi-High.Quite funny.KBOX IS FUN ;D Lalala.
Haha because I went to kbox which we left at 7, I was late for tuition because I went to eat ;/ Then while we were eating Tay was suggesting having a outing next either Mon or Tues.To sentosa most probably.Haha.
I am sick and tired of doing things according to people's like and dislike.
I shall do things according to what I want now.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Whahahaha!I changed my blogsong again.This song, don't underestimate it okay!!! If you watch the show, you will cry ): Aww.Haha.In the first epi where the stupid GuChi dumped XinYi to sleep with another lady, then after the bedscene, CunXi helped XinYi revenged whahahha.Then XinYi cried ): That's when the music comes in.*SOBS* So touching!Goosebumps.Haha.Then the background music of this song is the background music for the bed scene.Lol. I actually like the melody, the piano background, more than the song itself.Lol cause inside the show they use that as background music at alot of scenes.(:
你坐过的沙发 困了你爱的音乐
你坐过的沙发 困了你爱的音乐
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
《命中注定我爱你》Fated to love you

(starring Chen Qiao En & Ruan Jing Tian)
Damn sad!Taiwan only air until Episode 8!!!!One week one episode only )): The rating of this show from Episode 2 to 8 is the highest in the time slot sia!!!!LOL Don't understand why Episode 1 don't have very high rating.Is it because of the bed scene?Lol.
AWWWW I want episode 8!!!!! JiCunXi is going to kiss ChenXinYi,while she is crying and, also not mistakening her for someone else.(Because in the bed scene,both of them are suppose to mistaken each other for their own boyfriend/girlfriend.....) OOOO: GOOODDDD. CunXi told XinYi not to like him but he has fallen for XinYi! Then Anna, CunXi's girlfriend is gonna return and realise that her boyfriend is married to XinYi.MUAHAHAHHAHAHA.Monday,monday!!!!Episode 8 will come!
RUAN JING TIAN VERY SHUAI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!
Lolllll....Then somemore DuanChangRen from ZhongJiYiBan also inside the cast!!
And there is a lot of behind-the-scenes toooooo!!!!!!!!
Haha I think this whole post is crappy....x.x I am too excited for the next episode:D
Monday, May 05, 2008
Keep the nightmares in the night, living nightmares are scary
Okay I am in a dilemma.I think I can't take the siding position, also cannot take the neutral.Because either side and the fence is equally uncomfortable. Sometimes I doubt, is it really friendship, or just pure sympathy?
I always thought that the most comfortable people are those people I have to face everyday with.Yea and I know that things do change.Now people who make me comfortable are those I see rarely.Gooddddd, why does this kind of thing happens when I am Sec 3? Okay maybe there isn't much difference in the past, just that I found secure friends outside of my 'world'.Lol what am I talking?It's such an irony.People around me are so distant, while people who I am really close to are so far awayyyyyy.Why can I be so close to someone so far away and so far with someone so near to me?It's like liking Sushi and hating Laksa but being forced to stay in Singapore.(I know you can choose to live in Japan, but that's not the point.)Maybe because those things far are harder to get,so we cherish it more?
(If we really cherish something more because it's harder to get, can I move to Japan instead? Maybe I can be a Sushi too[: )
Friends don't come and go; friends make friends come and go.If friends come to us, it is us who made them come; if they leave us, it is us who made them leave too.We leave them because they made us leave.
What makes a true friend?Why can people be a true friend to one and not a so-true friend to another?Maybe the first basic criteria for two people to become friends is the liking and acceptance of each other's characters.And maybe, I just can't be a true friend to people having those character I don't really like.
(I know I am cynical to an extend, but maybe cynicalness is a kind of defence......)
I am stucked in between and I don't think I can move :D Maybe my clique is just a "Don't-want-to-be-lonely group", where the lonely people come and be a company of another, without really being friends.
And then on the same note of the phone call, my decision changed yet again.I shall resume my old position(aahhhh that makes my whole post stupidddd.....)Sometimes a misunderstanding leads to the other.Complaining Confronting helps. Okay maybe sometimes I am too lazy to confront because I don't like the truth(they say the truth always hurts).And I am going to assume.The problem may be solved for her, and I gladly know that what kind of problem is going to arise for me.It's okay let solve her problem first.It's just some (bad) habits that can be changed(although sometimes I think it's called respect), I will help(before someone says "So?" LOL).
Haha So problem is gonna be solved right? Tomorrow will be better(: Because today is monday.And monday for me unfortunately are all blueeeee.
I always thought that the most comfortable people are those people I have to face everyday with.Yea and I know that things do change.Now people who make me comfortable are those I see rarely.Gooddddd, why does this kind of thing happens when I am Sec 3? Okay maybe there isn't much difference in the past, just that I found secure friends outside of my 'world'.Lol what am I talking?It's such an irony.People around me are so distant, while people who I am really close to are so far awayyyyyy.Why can I be so close to someone so far away and so far with someone so near to me?It's like liking Sushi and hating Laksa but being forced to stay in Singapore.(I know you can choose to live in Japan, but that's not the point.)Maybe because those things far are harder to get,so we cherish it more?
(If we really cherish something more because it's harder to get, can I move to Japan instead? Maybe I can be a Sushi too[: )
Friends don't come and go; friends make friends come and go.If friends come to us, it is us who made them come; if they leave us, it is us who made them leave too.We leave them because they made us leave.
What makes a true friend?Why can people be a true friend to one and not a so-true friend to another?Maybe the first basic criteria for two people to become friends is the liking and acceptance of each other's characters.And maybe, I just can't be a true friend to people having those character I don't really like.
(I know I am cynical to an extend, but maybe cynicalness is a kind of defence......)
I am stucked in between and I don't think I can move :D Maybe my clique is just a "Don't-want-to-be-lonely group", where the lonely people come and be a company of another, without really being friends.
And then on the same note of the phone call, my decision changed yet again.I shall resume my old position(aahhhh that makes my whole post stupidddd.....)Sometimes a misunderstanding leads to the other.
Haha So problem is gonna be solved right? Tomorrow will be better(: Because today is monday.And monday for me unfortunately are all blueeeee.
Friday, May 02, 2008
I should be going to tuition by now, but I am sitting at home blogging.Why?My right eyes started hurting from this morning while I was doing the Emaths paper1, then it started tearing in the afternoon.Whenever I close my eyes, it feels warm.I used to feel this whenever I am going to be sick ;/ Then this morning when I was eating I commented the food is quite tasteless, but Yingqi its normal.Then she cursed that I am going to be sick soon.Awwww....I don't want to be sick.
I just realise everyone has the rights to be bushuang.(Yes yes, including me!) Some people bushuang because other people bushuang, but why did those people bushuang in the first place?
(Maybe I also bushuang people, maybe I kept it in myself.Maybe it's not call bushuang, maybe it's just called unhappy.)
Self-reflection are suppose to be reflecting on what you have done, and not what other have done to you.Sometimes you should use a mirror and really look at what you have done.It might contrasts with what you don't like about other people.
The scary thing is not about discovering you are not perfect, but discovering that those people you think are perfect are not that perfect.
Maybe because we need a role model to follow to be perfect?But there are no role model D:
The scariest thing is actually about discovering how evil people around you are.
Real scary..And I don't like it.But I think I am not picking a neutral place this time.I know which side I should be at, and which side needs me most.
The power of influencing is very powerful.Seriously.And ironically,many people seems to forget about what prejudice can do.
I shall try to have no or little prejudice against people.Maybe except for Nurmatha.Damn, I can't scold her idiot!(Lol Nurmatha I hope you don't kill me....;p)
I just realise everyone has the rights to be bushuang.(Yes yes, including me!) Some people bushuang because other people bushuang, but why did those people bushuang in the first place?
(Maybe I also bushuang people, maybe I kept it in myself.Maybe it's not call bushuang, maybe it's just called unhappy.)
Self-reflection are suppose to be reflecting on what you have done, and not what other have done to you.Sometimes you should use a mirror and really look at what you have done.It might contrasts with what you don't like about other people.
The scary thing is not about discovering you are not perfect, but discovering that those people you think are perfect are not that perfect.
Maybe because we need a role model to follow to be perfect?But there are no role model D:
The scariest thing is actually about discovering how evil people around you are.
Real scary..And I don't like it.But I think I am not picking a neutral place this time.I know which side I should be at, and which side needs me most.
The power of influencing is very powerful.Seriously.And ironically,many people seems to forget about what prejudice can do.
I shall try to have no or little prejudice against people.Maybe except for Nurmatha.Damn, I can't scold her idiot!(Lol Nurmatha I hope you don't kill me....;p)
5th months!
Woots today's fifth month!Whahaha.
Anyway I just came across this horoscope and name thing that says about how you are like.
This is mine :D

This is Kangwei's :D

I like what mine says about me,"Forgiving but never forgets".It's very true!(: And this "Judges people through obsevations".Is it a good thing or bad thing?
Then there is this:
Anyway I just came across this horoscope and name thing that says about how you are like.
This is mine :D

This is Kangwei's :D

I like what mine says about me,"Forgiving but never forgets".It's very true!(: And this "Judges people through obsevations".Is it a good thing or bad thing?
Then there is this:

Cool uh?(:
Just because things are not going on what you want doesn't mean you can take things around you for granted.Learn to appreciate them and let them be what you want.
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