Sunday, August 31, 2008
風在吹 聽到你的聲音
小雨點 響起你的聲音
#浪漫並沒痕跡 愛意卻有痕跡
@愛上了一種感覺 想躲躲不過
隨著你頻道聽到過 心識輕唱歌
愛上了一種方法 去到這樣儍
期待卻從未發生過 花心機揣摩 不講清楚@
小店子 悽擁太多聲音
repeat #
repeat @
愛上了一種感覺 雖不可觸摸
陪著你同路散心過 思海中探戈
一種方法 看似這樣儍
期待卻從未發生過 不需講太多 心中清楚
Lol this song is the cantonese version of 你,previously sang by Ariel lin in the sequel of It started with a kiss OST, now sang by Linda Chung, 钟嘉欣.
First heard the cantonese version in Jurong Point's popular on friday lol.I was thinking to myself, "That singer sounds a bit like Linda when she sang the 溏心风暴.....but no way la, she is an actress."
But looks like she has a song album of own!XD
I am trying to get my hands on the songs in her album and upload to imeem to put on my blog.But there is some problem la ):
Lol her singing is not bad!She got sing chinese version of two of her own songs.
Though I prefer the cantonese version of these two songs and the lyrics of the chinese version.
Maybe cause I can't get use to her singing chinese? O: & cantonese lyrics is quite chim....
& Lol she got this song called 一人晚餐, which is the cantonese version of 孤单北半球 ._.
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cotton candy within reach.
View on the stonee XD
Footprints that stayed without being eroded.

Before climbing the 'mountain...'
At the top of the mountain!
(LOL Thanks, I look retarded)
Lol awww, emo Wenyee!
(Actually there is one photo of me sitting like that.But the photographer (which is HoWenyee), took until can see my fats.LOL..See that photographer that took Wenyee, perfect right XD )

Apparently we don't have childhood,we don't know what a sandcastle is.
(It looks like an elephant but I shall stop at there.)
Small eyes due to sunlight D:
Lol saw ZhangShaoWei at BurgerKing.Yesterday just saw him today need to see him again.Sigh.
His friends damn funny.
Shaowei came to sit with us and I offered him my fries and he snatched away my drink.
Friend: "认识的啊???"
Shaowei: "啊,没有啊。刚刚才认识." in a sacrastic way.
Five minutes later....
Friend: "认识的是吗???"
Shaowei: "没有,刚刚才搭讪要电话号码的." in a even sacrastic way.
Thats soooo Shaowei.But his friend quite cute uh? Should be able to infer from how I called him to say hi that we know each other in the first place.
Lol after tuition went to Westmall.JiaChyi bought that W980 Walkman Phone! That phone damn CHIO!!!!O: I AM DAMN JEALOUS!
Saw TeckChin and Haozhe at westmall there anyways.
My flesh is burning like crazy.It's 80% done.
Highing about oxygen XP
Friday, August 29, 2008
Happy teachers' day!

Having migraine again and don't really feel like talking much.
Had celebrations in school and class party in class.
Went to JurongPoint with Valerie.
Went back to school, laughed at JiaChyi cause he wore slipper & wasn't allowed to in at first.Took photo with Mrlee, then he had to go for lunch treated by school.So we went to have our own lunch and slacked at playground near Madeline's house.
And we went home.
I know I shouldn't be blogging because this post totally sucks.But I will lose interest posting about today tomorrow.
Damn.Who is Sulphur?
& what is potassium?
Potassium sucks
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Careless Whisper
Guilty heart has got no heartbeat.
Struggle struggle struggle,& I broke through! But just how long am I going to stay in this positive attitude for this time round? Please don't expire after a week,like always.
Lol.Met with Giselle to come to school at around 7 cause we were going to give chocolate/sweet to some seniors to encourage them for prelims.So went to find Nurmatha after morning assembly and gave her M&M! :D After that Giselle wanted to give things to a senior who cannot be found lol.So she tried to sms/call him to come down quickly.So in the end she was late for PE and I was a little late for Geography.But both of us managed to hun guo qu so its okay.
We learnt the ACES DAY routine for PE.Lol DUH our class won the thing.The Kawaii Teapot-ters consist of, Niwen,Jolene,Dunyang,She-ler,Zhenyi,Wilson,Xinyi,Christopher.Lol Then during the afternoon assembly we were suppose to stay in class so dismissed slightly earlier.Haha then me&Valerie walked past the hall & saw the sec4s doing the routine.LOL we saw Nurmatha not very enthu.Aww.Lol.
After that Giselle was doing Chinese test at outside Hall there.In the end Minli and her went to make cookies for their primary school teacher so Valerie and I went to eat at canteen.When we went back to class after that, saw Khaliesah & Rifdi just about to leave.SO WE DECIDED TO HOLD OUR GOSSIP CLUB SESSION.Woooo!
Lol first we were gossiping, then don't know how, ended up telling ghost stories.They were saying about morning very early come school very scary, & their own experience and stuffs.They insisted to leave the lights off because must save electricity - -" Lol then we managed to scare ourselves.Valerie only pointed outside of classroom (cause got people looking in), then we screamed.Funny uh?
Walked to Mrt with Valerie & went to Lot1 to meet Wenyee.After that had tuition.
Met with Jewel and Zifeng at canteen at 6.40am like that because we were going to run & I was scared to go class on my own XP Saw one green & red figure standing at balcony.LOL Jewel and Zifeng screamed & I laughed.Cause its just Rifdi & Khaliesah? HAHAHA.
Yay then ran 4 rounds with Zifeng.Jewel stamina too good run with Jessica I think.Haha.Shared food with Zifeng during recess again :D
After school was the literature thing.Partnered with Xinyi.;D Half asleep all the way.Lol.No wonder they say having too little sleep/staying awake for too long will have the same effect as alcohol.So true.I wasn't sleeping but I couldn't concentrate.
Lol.& I learnt a lesson: Keep quiet when you don't know everything :XXX
Fall gently, snowflakes
Cover me with white
Cold icy kisses and
Let me rest tonight.
-Woman work by Maya Angelou
Monday, August 25, 2008
Wenyee <3s
Went out with Wenyee to
Awwwwww.. Veronica pangseh us again!Sigh.
Lol.Today was released at 12.10pm so went to Wenyee's house to slack at around 2 like that.LOL there is a something like sequel thing after Mingzhong finish.As in got related to that story la.Its called "Wu di Shan Bao Mei", starring ZhangDongLiang with another girl who is suppose to be flat-chested.Lol.Damn crappy the show.& I think they only start airing for one week.
Feel like slapping ZhangDongLiang( as in his character in the show).He go anyhow kiss people == & flirt with some got figure girl when her girlfriend is there.Lol.Then the girlfriend break with him he don't even know the reason.So sad D:
Oh then after that we went to rent "Gui ah gui ah" that movie.
Saw IvanWee in the Condo ;D
Then HoJunJie later came home to join us watching the show.
The rest of the time was spent in taking photos XP
I LOVE MIRRORRSSS! Wenyee's house got alot alot of mirrors.Ahhhhhhh! OO:
Sunday, August 24, 2008
我的最爱- 张韶涵
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Wounds won't hurt as long no one touch it
Lol went to have breakfast at Mac with Wenyee and Veron.Then went to Wenyee house to make sushi.Actually more like Wenyee's mum and Veron do most of the job la.Haha.
Then her mum was saying,"Ehh where's Jiaqi?He must come ma, all girls must know how to make sushi."
Then Wenyee onlined and talked to Jiachyi.
"Y u nv cum my hse."
"I say see only ma."
"& can don't use cum? sounds wrong"
"Marion here."
"Walau you very horny."
Tsktsktsk.Stupid Jiachyi trying to pollute Wenyee's pure and innocent mind.
Then went to tuition.After that went to Westmall library.& haha, Kaijie helped all of us clear our the loan payment.Hehe!Thanks man!
Bear out for sale.Anyone?
Just kidding....
I need suggestions for budget activities!Lol.Monday going out with Veron and Wenyee most probably.I am tempted to go to Kbox D: But I don't feel like spending on it.Sianszx.
One moment I thought I can,another I know I can't.
I just want to be happy.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Facts accepted
It says my lucky number.And (stupid) potassium.Lol.
You know sometimes when lessons are boring, people can be this random.
& actually I wanted to take 'seven' & 'potassium' separately, but I guess I drew them too near to each other x.x
Lol today's recess is something different from than usual.Yingqi they all rushed to canteen right after Geography.Then when I was chasing up passing e3,MichelleOng came up to me to lent calculator.So I walked back to class to take calculator for her.Then ZiFeng came to me and asked,"Eh you going down for recess or not?"
In the end shared the beeeeee hoooon she bought to school today.Haha.It's like suddenly feel recess is damn long and relax.Still can talk and eat at the same time without rushing ;D
Awww last few years I was complaining why can't I find female friends of the same horoscope.2e6 only got one pathetic female leo, which is me la.Lol.Then waaaah, 3e4 has a lot of leos you know!
Today Cca is quite okay today.Planned for Cca orientation and played games.Played a prisoner game which was interrupter by the rain, and also played chain catching!
(Chain catching:
5-6 people stand in lines.Should have at least 4 lines.Then there will be one catcher and one runner.The runner must join a line, then the person on the other end of the line will be the runner.Runenr who gets caught will be catcher).
Lol.I didn't want to run, & I was begging people to come beside me and not the end of my line.Haha.I was damn desperate until I didn't accept the fact Raagini joined the opposite end, and kept begging her to change her mind and join me, till she really came to join me.Lol == Actually there is a excusable reason/reasonable excuse but I am not that crazy to shout out the reason out la.Well anyways,I still ran in the end;D
Lol periodic tableee!!!Not all thought x.x & lol.Valerie's found a new dui xiang to go crazy after.A passed out senior from Boys Brigade.& that person lives at Yew Tee too.Whattt.That time Valerie went OO: over this white spectacles guy on the Mrt & that person alighted at YewTee too.Valerie's lucky haha.
I still in the midst of finding new dui xiang to go OO: over.
Had tuition just now.& haha so funny.Supposed to end at 9.30pm.Then at 9.15, I yawned, and teacher said, "Tired ah?What to go home?"
*nods frantically*
"Packed your bag then."
Lol came abit abrupt but teacher after that said people who finished the assigned question can go first.Wooo!
Zhihui borrowed some books from library which are quite interesting.I want to read!!!I read a few pages of "Being a happy teenager".& I realised inside really tackles the problems teenagers, (like me,) faces.Hehe.
Some stuffs fromt the book:
-People who have low confidence will either booast to others about themselves alot/criticise others so as to make other people appear inferior to self, or criticise ownself alot to make people praise them. (Heng uh, I don't think I do neither of this.)
Inspiring words from other sources:
Responsibility is the combination of two words, 'respond' & 'ability'.Thus, it is the 'ability to respond'.So respond to the problems in your life!;D
Well, that means people who don't respond are not very responsible uh?
No wonder I was angry/not happy with people for not responding.
Tomorrow will be meeting with Veron and Wenyee at Mac to eat breakfast, then go to Wenyee house make Sushi with Wenyee's mother (& with Wenyee sitting at sofa watching television), then finally go to tuition together!(:
Tests for three days in a row.Lol.Today's Chem test on Chemical Calculation was quite bad.Cause there is this question which has 4 parts and their answers are interlinked.So if get first part wrong, whole thing wrong D:
I think I am having a fever because I am in a mugging mood.....
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Moving on.Without you.
HAHAHA today my brother opened his oh-so-precious ice cream. Wooo! Damn nice but then I think it's too sweet.Eat too much will feel nausea DDD: BUT I LOVE THE BROWNIE!!!:D
Haha I tell you, I laughed at myself for my superb Amaths Coordinate Geometry Test.平时miss question就算了,this time I did question 1(b) already and I USED CORRECTION TAPE CANCEL THE WHOLE THING & WROTE (c) REPLACING IT.Wth?
That bloody question cost me 4 marks..Damn siann!!!Somemore I still wrote the 1(b) answer on the question paper!(cause is coordinates ma, then I got label them) - -"
Lol okay la, that test motivated me to study, at least.
Hahaha.I love that particular drop that turn the whole solution to another colour.So fun so fun!
Some people can go to crazy extend, just because they want to prove a particular thing, even if they don't like when they are doing to prove it. & pathetically, it's seems like I am one of them.Sigh.Break through those invisible walls and do what you really really want.
Yes, I realise you are not the one affecting me.It's other factors.I repeat, other factors.
& damn it, how can I allow you to use other factors to manipulate/confuse me?
P.S.: LOL damn motivated all of a sudden & ohmygosh, feeling excited for no reason.- -" HAHA BUT ITS GOOD TO BE EXCITED!;DD
P.S.S: STILL PISSED WITH BLOGGER.Stop giving me double posts & give me the correct date can!Lol.
Venus & Mars
an reaction occur.
They call it love.
No one realises,
but Mars and Venus are just too different.
Mars and Venus are happy with each other,
so they decided to leave where they are suppose to be,
and went to live at the Milkyway.
Happily ever after?
They are still in space,
how is it possible to ignore all the other things?
They do quarrels.
They do have conflicts.
There are times when they can't control their emotions.
To Venus, it's almost the end of the world,
because Mars is her sense of purpose.
To Mars, he may feel sad,
but he is independent.
Some problems doesn't seems to be entirely sorted out,
but still Venus don't mind.
One day, Mars is commanded by Sun to return to where Mars is suppose to be at.
But he left the Milkyway with Venus alone without saying anything.
At the same time,
the Sun wanted Venus to go to the Blackhole,
and Venus was to go back to where she came from first.
While orbitting around the Sun,
they passed each other.
Venus suggested they should go separate ways.
When Mars was asked why he left Venus,
he said the reaction is gone.
Before the trip to the Blackhole,
Venus found out Mars left unwillingly,
and the reaction is still there.
But they was nothing they can do because Venus is heading towards the Blackhole.
Even if Sun wasn't controlling them,
will they have a happy ending?
No, there were too many problems between them.
For example, according to the space,
Mars is suppose to be initiated.
But he refuses to take initiative,
which means Venus taking initiative.
Mars doesn't like taking initiative personally,
but he doesn't know how tired Venus feels making the first moves.
They are too different,
and they just can't seem to understand each other.
Moral of the story:
Venus and Mars shouldn't collide with each other in the first place.
Birthday?Whose birthday?You?
(I uploaded it in large size.I know about the quality.I took it with my phone.)
Lol try to read the words.
If you succeeded, Congratulations! You now know JiaChyi 85%!
Yellow is optimistic, unlike Jiachyi.
Haha.That pencilcase is JiaChyi's birthday present.From Wenyee,Veronica,Kaijie,Madeline & Me!;D
Lol.That pencil looks very very emo.Specially made for Jiachyi I think.Hehe.
Oh & after tuition Jiachyi bought four Ferrero Rocher & gave us one each!!!
(Fyi, Veronica & Madeline wasn't present yesterday.I didn't fail my maths.)
Awwww chocolate![:
Damn angry with bloody blogger!I swear I edited this post for at least 5 times because some things doesn't appear!!ZZZ!!!
& for hell's sake, can people learn to queue?- -"
Nevermind let's talk about other things.
Awwww!The infatuation for periodic table died down!!!Valerie was not high at all yesterday!& lol, we kind of forgot all the elements x.x
Lol iodine is gay and disgusting ;D
Maybe the whole periodic table are.
It's okay we can find other things to go high over!;D
Perhaps friday Cca will not be so boring cause we will be having drama games that will make you go *screams* O:
Actually we are only going to play games that involve running around.So Sec 1 juniors, please stop screaming (: *PEACE*
Haha.Last week we played Vertical Limit/Challenge, where people sit on the chair first in circle, then lie vertically on another's person body/stomach.I think it's quite fun ;D
Then there is the Chair thingy.That's what they wrote on the board.There will be limited chairs in a line then people are suppose to stand on it,try to squeeze and take the last chair, then place it in front of the chair, until you reach a certain destination.Lol I seriously didn't expect this game to lead to injury.Much less expecting the person to be me ;D
BUT it was just a minor cut!Everyone was like O: , OO:,OOO: I am not going to die because of the cut la!I felt bad when Valerie felt guilty ))): Seriously it doesn't hurt.& if want blame also blame the lower sec classroom to have those 'new' plastic chairs! *jealous* HAHAHA.
I realise how heavy my white bagpack alone is, without the books.Because yesterday I was going straight to tuition so I used my purple bag.The purple bag alone is like feather?
Don't see the point?Because it's smaller and it's easier to move around in crowded MRT trains, BECAUSE EVERYONE SEEMS TO BE KNOCKING INTO ME LIKE THEY CAN'T SEE ME.
Am I that short??
It's alright, shall stand beside Zifeng more!:D
Lol She kept saying I am fat.And I kept reminding her I am lighter than her,when I am taller than her LOL.So Zifeng is fatest!XD
Lol next week Monday dismissed at 12.10pm!^^ So Wenyee and I were thinking of watching movie, or shopping, or go beach.Haha.I think we should go shopping before Monday and go to the beach with what we are saying we want to buy.It sounds more logical.
I am being turned off by the fact that whever I bold words, it appear pink ): I want other colours tooo!
Tried & failed.Every touch hurts.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Lol.I AM AN EARLY BIRD TODAY! Reached home at 2 plus cause MrLim released us early hehe.
Today CME lesson is crap.LOL.
We were having sexuality education & supposed to be discussing about the physical consequences of sex or physical intimacy.
Then lol, Niwen said "Tired.Must rest for a few days."
Mr Damian wrote on the whiteboard,"Tired- (Rest a few days)"
After that Mr Damian edited & it became: "Tired - (Rest for a few days min)"
Then he put days <--inexp min <-- experienced - -" After that Yingqi was jokingly saying,"Pain" to me.In the Dunyang really said that to Mr Damian. So he added "Pain?" to the board. Lol.Then JiongHan was saying can use lubricant. Walau my class 11 guys only you know. *Speechless*
Zzzz MrDamian said we must do finish Chemistry WS 10 by today in the end he didn't go through or ask us hand in.I DID IT YOU KNOW.LOL.Quite happy cause even Yingqi say my ans look normal.As in some formula if use wrongly will get weird ans.
My brother is damn dumb.He injured the soft bone on his neck or something.Then he is not suppose to consume cold things.HAHAHAHA.
Don't know why he go and buy Ben&Jerry == Stupid.
Then he said I can only eat when he open it first.So selfish!!
I AM BROKE.Whenever I am broke, I feel like going shopping.Idiot.
Today is the 18th.How many days to exam?
Congratulations Singapore for getting back Silver Medal for PingPongGame TableTennis!:DDDD
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Self-denial [:
Everything was smooth when I chose to let things go its own way.Then things happened,& I chose to make things go the way I wanted.Then things happened again,I have no choice chase those things out of my way.
Received an email saying about products/food that can cause cancer.
Small part of the email:
Cancer-causing substance in shampoos. Go home and check your shampoo. Change before it's too late... Check the ingredients listed on your shampoo bottle, and see they have a substance by the name of Sodium Laureth Sulfate, or simply SLS. This substance is found in most shampoos; manufacturers use it because it produces a lot of foam and it is cheap. BUT the fact is, SLS is used to scrub garage floors, and it is very strong!!! It is also proven that it can cause cancer in the long run, and this is no joke. Shampoos that contains SLS: Vo5, Palmolive, Paul Mitchell, L'Oreal, the new Hemp Shampoo from Body Shop etc. contain this substance.
The first ingredient listed (which means it is the single most prevalent ingredient) in Clairol's Herbal Essences is Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Therefore, I called one company, and I told them their product contains a substance that will cause people to have cancer.! They said, Yeah we knew about it but there is nothing we can do about it because we need that substance to produce foam. By the way Colgate toothpaste also contains the same substance to produce the 'bubbles'. They said they are going to send me some information.
Research has shown that in the 1980s, the chance of getting cancer is 1 out of 8000 and now, in the 1990s, the chances of getting cancer is 1 out of 3, which is very serious. Therefore, I hope that you will take this seriously and pass this on to all the people you know, and hopefully, we can stop 'giving' ourselves cancer-causing agents.
Then I went to check on the other two shampoos in my house.2 out of 3 of the shampoo contain that bloody chemical thing.ZZZZ.
To make things better, I am also using Colgate toothpaste too.
Okay I shall not be so paranoid ;D
Lol anyway this few days seem pretty busy.Haha.
Yesterday after tuition went out with Veron.Awww so long never go out with her?Lol.But I suppose our chemistry is still there.Heehee.Ya & we went to Fox to buy clothes.$9 lei!So tempting.
Good thing we didn't have alot of money with us.If not we would have spent all.
So we went home around 10 plus.Haha.
It's raining now & Pepsi is needed badly.(:
Think positively without having expectations.Thats hard.By thinking "Things will get better eventually" is also a kind of expectation right?Oh wells.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Soft rebonding is suppose to be more natural and not as flat as rebonding.
BUT it looks like soft rebonding is not as strong as normal one.
Yuangeok soft-rebonded her hair!Omg straight hair are chio!!
Lol.I didn't study (as in at home, excluding last minute revision in school) for my Physics then I passed,
then Chemistry I GOT REVISE AT HOME LO!
&I didn't really study for today Physics test too... ):
Zzzzzz.Teachers, please, stop putting tests on Wednesday.My tuesday is like packed like sardine?):
Omg and I didn't go for tuition on two tuesdays....Monday blue, tuesday sick? Awwww D:
Ohhh wait.Did Xuan Er showed off to me that he got quite high for Chemistry test?(Haha okay he didn't show off, he told me.) I think he got 18 and third in class?Omg he win everyone is my class....
Haha I bet Drama Club will be changing name "Gossip Club".Nice name right.Cause yesterday Rifdi said, "Eh come come let's gossip!".Then most of the sec3s were like, *eye sparkle*.HAHA.
We talked about e4 class tee.Rifdi said the Malays wanted it black and the Chinese wanted it Lime-green.& I started to wonder whether
I am Chinese anot..
I really don't remember them asking us what colour we wanted either.... Lol.
I am confused!Now it seems like its not lime-green.
So what colour isit going to be?!
Oh & We were talking about that our school uniform attire and PE attire will have changes next year! :D
Hehe & today me & Valerie Wong went to bring our skirts to alter!(I didn't bring my current one to alter) [:
Oh I think new school socks are...funny?Haha.The texture feels very smoooth then it feels like my shoes is going to come out any moment.
&&!My feet feels numb, as though lack of blood circulation LOL.
New discovery!: The Sweettalk at Gombak Mrt there sells Takoyaki!!!!
When did it start selling uh?
Emaths test tomorrow D:
PS: My blogger is still not working well.*(&()&*(^)(*&*^#&*#
PSPS: Nuffnang is telling me people from United States, Saudi Arabia(Arabian coffee?), China, United Kingdom&Australia are reading my blog OOO: But it's like only a figure below 10 from each of these countries haha.BUT I think it's pretty cool.Lol.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I am extremely proud of myself.After finishing WhyWhyLove on Sat, yesterday went to rent DevilBesideYou.
Lol & today I am going to finish watching it because...
Yesterday chiong-ed a bloody 17 episodes!;D
Just 3 more to goooo!
Ha.Tomorrow's school already.After finishing the 3 episodes I think I will be forced to do my homework.
Life is soooo boring!! ):
I don't know how to fulfil expectations.
The only thing I can do is to destroy all hopes.
So that I won't be tired of fulfilling,
&you won't have to worry someday I will disappoint you.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
"Vogue declares this season's must-have look will be a "sexy sprinkling of freckles.""
""Freckles are sexy," Alex Bilmes writes in September's Vogue. "Freckles should be fetishised, embraced, touched, kissed. Freckles, more than anything, are a provocation: if I can see that some of you is freckled, I can't help wondering about the rest. If your face is freckled, what does your back look like, your stomach, your thighs...?""
Haha!Woots.Good news for freckled people!;D(Like me lol)
National day?
贺军翔&王传一 are damnnn cute&shuai la!Omg omg!
Friday, August 08, 2008
Wth Blogger is pissing me off too.The date and stuff is going haywire.
Let's talk about happy stuffs first.
Went to make IC with Jionghan and Zifeng.Awwwwww too bad Isaac need go for chem remedial.If not can pei Zifeng le ah?
We went to Lavender do our IC after that Jionghan was saying he want to eat Xin Wang Hong Kong Restaurant cause he got voucher.LOL.My cousin brought me there before!;D
Ya then the place is suppose to be near Marina Square.Guess where Jionghan told us to alight at the Mrt?
Raffles place....
See la threee direction idiot walking together can only lose way.After that I was like, "Eh wait, shouldn't we be alighting at City Hall...." when we were at Raffles place trying to find Marina Square.
We rock!
Haha.Then we went to CityHall.
Wa I think we are too greedy.We ordered too much food.Not a very nice experience.& at the time we really wished Isaac was there.(Haha as in we wished one more is with us so we can finish the food, so of course must help Zifeng ma!;D)
LOL.YA I SHOWED OFF TO ISAAC I HELD ZIFENG'S HAND THE WHOLE AFTERNOON.HAHA.Next time I should ask for permission from him first hehe.
Oh and Zifeng said floor very uncomfortable.LOL.Bed more comfortable huh.
Jionghan was asking us about the assembly this week.Cause there was this sexuality talk which ended with "How to put on condoms."LOL.Quite dumb?Like encouraging us to have sex.& like,why do we have to learn in the first place?Let the guys do them themselves la LOL.
That time I heard on the radio that the legal age to buy condoms is 18, while the legal age for sex is 16.
So in that two years people are suppose to use pig intestine as condoms like how they did in 1640s?Yuck.
I wanted to secretly take a picture of him then he turned to give this stupid face LOL.
Zifeng's Manga Sago thing!Omg damn nice!
Lol Jionghan spread the ice cream.Quite nice ah? (:
Went to Imm with Valerie and we went the Lasagna again(:
After that I met Wenyee at lot1.Awwww finally Wenyee is back!;D
From morning until now, it sucks terribly.
I was damn pissed.
When I don't really know the main reason of my anger.
The movie better be nice.If not I will start killing people.
As in if anything goes wrong again, I will start killing.
Got to go!Byeeeee!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
"OMG Today can seee Iodine!!Ahhhh!"
Apparently she is trying very hard to be excited about him.
"Omg you know he is damn cute......blablabla
"&He's damn gay"
Lol Omg boyfriend!You are soooo convincing.
Since she has got herself someone to go high over, so I can't lose to her right?
"Where's my oxygen??):"
Lol.YEA OXYGEN :D He's damn cute!
Actually we did all this because Cca is way tooo boring.So we were trying to entertainment ourselves.
LOL I think we got too much nicknames for too many people.Other than Iodine&Oxygen(which actually before this they had another nickname), there is Beggar, Potassium,etc. xD
And I am Magnesium and Valerie's Vanadium![:
To Kendra:
To Zhiying:
Lol!Thanks for the KitKat(although it seems like I demanded for it....)!'s a great time to let me eat chocolate when I am having sorethroat!Real thanks real thanks.
I think I am down with a flu and a slight fever ): I wonder how I can survive for tomorrow's chemistry test...
Actually,if I can choose, I won't go for school tomorrow.But sadly, I am making IC with JiongHan,ZiFeng they all.
I mean going with them is good la!Lol.Don't misinterpret!
To Nurmatha:
Lol I didn't like the way you find excuses for other people.As in, it's better to face the fact;D Thanks anyway soulmate!
Physics project not completed and Aces day routine tomorrow.Lol cause our CD went missing so we couldn't present today.
Everyone is selfish.Come on,don't lie to yourself.You,me,him and her, everyone, we are all selfish people.Who in the right mind will let other people take you for granted?This is called self-protection.So there is nothing wrong for other people to be selfish,okay?
Monday, August 04, 2008
To Yuangeok&Yingqi:
Thanks for the dress!;D
To Nurmatha:
Hahaha!FLOWER;D Didn't you know that your soulmate is very lazy?What if I don't water the plant then it die! O: Lol.Kidding kidding!Thanks!
My Wenyee is away for camp for three whole days ):
Lol my cousin lent my mum 换换爱 and I am watching it too!At first I thought this show is going to be crappy,which it really is, but who can resist HeJunXiang? xD He's damn cute!!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Past Present Future
Lol!Went to Cck Sec for food fair or something.Haha.Wa Feel bad cause Wenyee bought alot of coupons and I spent almost all of it x.x Lol.Wenyee's class was doing Loveletter and Waffle.Not toooo bad la.Anything will be better than the popiah there.Lol.There is like CARROT inside?YUCK.
Haha after that we went to tuition.Early for 45 min??Hehe but spent our time sitting outisde there then we requested for air-con hehe.Then Lewis(don't know how to spell x.x) and Xuan Er came.And Xuan Er said,"Eh Marion today your birthday ah?Happy birthday!" Lol!Then he smsed after tuition to apologise and wished me properly.LOL.You are forgiven!;D
Lol.Last week I didn't come for tuition so I was abit lagging behind.THEN ZHIHUI KEEP TEACHING ME WRONG THING.LOL.In the end every question also must ask Miss Soh O:
AHEM.My row consisting of Marcus,Wenyee,Me and Zhihui were victims of some-people-behind-us 's boredom.ESPECIALLY JIACHYI & KAIJIE.Walau two of you didn't even wish me happy birthday la!
Lol No life people.== (opps Jiachyi I stole your favourite phrase ;D)
Waaa LOL I think Xuan Er damn funny!He now apologising for yesterday thing.LOL.
Not like some idiot who refuses to let me see the photos.Stupid JiaChyi.
Then after that me and Wenyee went to Bugis Junction :DD
Lol went to Mac to do homework with Wenyee.Actually cause she forgot to give me my present yesterday.
To (insertname1):
OMG THANKS.Pink is damn damn nice!Ahhhhh.LOL.
To IN2:
To Wenyee&Veronica&Madeline&JiaChyi&Kaijie:
To Nurmatha:
Haha woots first one to wish me happy birthday!
To ValerieWong:
Awwww boyfriend!Love you lots!Haha so cute of you to plan to wish me last for my birthday!;D LOVESSS!
LOL.Got one anonymous person wished me happy birthday but that person didn't reply me message.Made me even more curious LOL.I WANT TO KNOW WHO IT IS.Haha.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
BORED! Grrrr.
It just feels weird to be able to tell what you are going to do.
Rahhhh.Feeling damn bored.BORED!
So decided to blog because blogging lifts my mood! ;D
I just realise I really really don't like emo people.Eeee.
AH STOP JUMPING TO CONCLUSION.Walau people who use their inferencing skills anyhow-ly are irritating.ANNOYINGGGG!
Woots!The clock has struck 12!
And the first person to wish me happy birthday on my birthday isssss....
NURMATHA! *applause*
Haha not surprising ah?Cause that's what she is suppose to do. ;p
Well okay anyway, tell you a secret.There is an irony in this post.
When I said I was bored, I actually mean I am emoing/thinking about stuffs.Random stuffs.All kinds of things.
So in other words, I don't like myself ): Aw.
And when I don't like myself, I tend to do stupid things to other people accidentally-on-purpose.Oh no!What's happening to me O:
Aw.It's okay it's alright!Shall be a happy girl since it's my birthday le!
Friday, August 01, 2008
Luckily, blogger can change the date of the post.
Maybe someone hacked in my account and purposely play this prank on me zzzz.
Lol.Today during Cca's break, Valerie and I walked around the school and realises that alot of people like to boyfreak.We saw the "encourage me" paper then I was kind of speechless at one of the comments lol.
Haha Today during Amaths tuition, Madeline finally found Drop-dead gorgeous diary!
(Fyi: "Drop-dead gorgeous is the name of my primary school clique, consisting of me,Madeline,Cynthia and Nicole.Lol when they came out with this name I didn't know the meaning of gorgeous x.x)
Lol the diary, alot of craps that I don't wish to be reminded of.Haha.There were some boy-crazying parts.
Sometimes I doubt my own taste also x.x
I think this few days isn't very interesting so I shall just end here!:D
To _____:
You are damn insensitive and quite irritating.Do I know you very well?Other people also know its unappropiate to say some things.&I don't think I need your opinion.