Sunday, September 28, 2008
Lol Celebrated someone birthday heeehee XD FUNXZS. After that went to mug with Veron,Wenyee,Kaijie & JiaChyi at mac. Kaijie and JiaChyi brought their laptops along so it was distracting! Zzz. Lol. Then they sat with Wenyee on a table while me and Veron sat on another due to space sortage lol. & the Mac at westmall is super stupid. No student meals during weekends when the one at gombak has. After that Went for tuition.
Amaths tuition in the morning at ten *YAWN* Lol went to have lunch with Veron,Wenyee,Madeline & Marcus at Westmall. After Mader left we went to mug at Mac. Lol then got chased by the staff cause he said their customers had problem finding seats when they weren't alot of customers. So changed venue and went to Wenyee's condo. Lol Kaijie joined us after his 'another tuition'. Changed venue for the second time to mac when we thought it was going to rain soon. Kaijie left for his another tuition a while later. Pity him, seems like he is running a marathon D: Then we left 5 something going 6, and walked home with Marcus.
Conclusion: Marcus Beh is a joker.
Hahaaa & I discovered his deepest and darkest secret LOL! :D
(though I don't think it is a secret to him. Maybe he go round telling people about it HAHA)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wooooooo~~~~~! Maths paper 1 down! XD
Okay let me tell you something funny:
I woke up with a leg cramp this morning at 6.30am when my paper is at 10am due to the KangKongs I ate yesterday.
Haha 2 out of 3 people replied me,"Huh where's the link?" If you are thinking that right now, I am going to say
But it's okay la, cause I intend to wake up at 6.30 too to eat breakfast with my Mum & Dad :D
Not funny? Okay here's another one:
I ordered honey milk tea today before tuition and the person give me honeydew milk tea.
Lol.Just one word makes a very big difference you know.& anyway, I guess I will boycott milktea for the time being.All milks are suspicious.That's what I learnt from my mum.
Did I hear you say you are not amused? Okay okay, I still got one more:
Anita's fridge has a frozen lizard in it.
LOL.Tsktsktsk! Anita, I am disappointed in you.I never knew you like eating lizard HAHA!
Yesterday went to her house to mug again.When I tried to put in my ice lemon tea inside, I saw the lizard frozen halfway while it was walking.What the hell. And I reminded Anita that the lizard will come back to life when it is defroze.HEEEHEE. & right, no one from her house realised it and no one knew how long the lizard is there! LOL!
Today is the 27th!Who's birthday isit?Yours?
Quote of the day: Time is the most challenging challenge in every kind of relationship.
Cartoon of the day: Doraemon! For the courtesy of Miss Soh XD
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
EOY ):
Haha.After school went to the coffeshop opposite my house to eat with my mum and her friends.
& duh!Played with the Baby who is being babysitted by one of the Aunties.
Featuring, Kaikai, also known as Justen :
*listening to what the adults were talking about*
*GASPS* OS: "What are you doing with that toy there?"
"Looks fun.I want to play." *tries to snatch*
"GIVE ME NOW!" *tries to snatch roughly*
*Then I gave him a Winnie the pooh bookmark to play with....*
"O: Got toy to play! :DDDD"
*Playing gently*
*Playing with much strength*
"OH NO!"
He tored my bookmark apart lol
"Did she see me tear it apart????"
*guilty after doing something wrong"
*after that he continue playing with the torn bookmark, so he is happy*
In case you don't know, what you just read was partially made up.The photos won't even taken according to this haha.But it was a fact that he tore the bookmark I gave him.
Yea and anyway, eating at somewhere near my house is pretty dangerous.That time saw MrDamian and MrLim and another teacher.Then I was playing the KaiKai.Haha.So MrDamian went, "Your brother ah?" So I was like "HUHH!?"
Having a brother who is around the age of MrDamian's kid is..... unimaginable.
I got addicted to Katekyo Hitman Reborn ._.
Bad timing since the EOY is nearing.
Zhiying provided alittle spoilers to me today.Zzzzzz.
My latest crush shall be REBORN! Followed tightly by Astroboy(nicknamed lol-ly by Valerie), KaiKai and LingYu?
All of them melts my heart.Awwww!Especially when Lingyu sits alone in the canteen eating by himself, when I will stand and wait for him to wave to me.Opps!
& when KaiKai sticks to me like siao, like today! He wants me to carry him!!! *melts*
Why am I obsessed about cute stuffs? *shrug* It's kind of crazy haha.
I guess I won't update so hardworkingly since there is EOY.No one will have the time to read too lol.So Ciaossu!:D (imitating Reborn.)
PS: For the very first time since very long ago, blogger is finally giving me the right time and date.HAHA.Good job, blogger!
Monday, September 22, 2008
SA2 paper 1!
WHATTTT.How can you forget you have an extra dictionary D:
Lol after that while waiting for my mum at my house downstairs for lunch, saw Anita.& Omg, something miracle happened.
I actually went to her house to mug.HAHAHA.
To repay back the amount of braincells we wasted.
Actually we spent more of the time talking than mugging luh.Siao liao we two.But not bad, enough of the Sec 1 stuffs.People change for the better.At least we do.
Okay I shall never drink coffee EVER AGAIN.Stupid caffeine D:
Shut up and go (: It's just 7/181 of my life which was being wasted.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Theme of the day: Strength
Today there was Amaths tuition from 10am-12pm.Lol I set my phone alarm at 9am, then I think I turned it off, so the next time I woke up, I checked the clock, and it was 10.03am!Called Wenyee and realised she was at 369 waiting for Veron so they were late too.Lol!
After tuition Wenyee,Veron,JiaChyi,ZhiHui and I went to eat our brunch.Took away Roti Prata then went to Wenyee's condo there eat.Haha.There was this angmoh family playing the pool.Then I walked past the grass where they were playing, one of the three boys pointed at me, shouted while smiling, "No.No!NOOO!" , as if I invaded his territory or something.Damn cute.
Went to play with water.We stopped only when the security guard came and said,"Waaa don't play here la.You all not small already you know.You all adult already.And you all not in attire so cannot play here,okay?" Haha.
Lol my brother's clique is funny.They(without my brother) went to fish&co to eat and one of them wait up and told the waiter that day was one of their friends birthday when it was not.Then all the staff came out to sing a birthday song to him.They even got a free cake and discount on the food!OOO:
Seriously I doubt the definition of friendship.
(if you feel guilty, go ahead and think I am talking about you.)
Friendship is a kind of love.But why have friends turn into people who pretend not to realise our own insenstivity and pretend not to know how other people will feel?Why do friends have to make others unhappy deliberately?I dislike friends who are too demanding.& please, don't ever tell me to change, especially when you can't do it too.& what makes you think I will go according to demands?The sense of superiority is killing me.
Sometimes I start to wonder, how does it feel like to step into other people's skin and walk around in it?Sometimes I feel I can understand part of it.But what can I do?
Subconsciously, I am aware of the date.It wasn't the first time dreaming with the same main character, but why, why does this one drives me off-centre?I thought I was mature enough, but deep inside, I know I am not.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I failed my redox test! :P
But I wasn't surprised at all.Though I was super not happy cause Zhiying passed!!!
Zhiying: "So do you feel sad about failing your test?"
Marion: "Huh?Not really.Cause I expected it.But it's okay!Cause I failed this test, I am going to be motivated to study for EOY! :D "
Zhiying: (laugh)
Actually on the day after the test, I already concluded I would flunk like siao.Cause that day I can't really focus then I don't really know what I doing.
& right, I missed one bloody question worth one mark ):
After school met with Nurmatha to mug!Haha but in the end she did some Amaths question and I didn't really do anything.I can't reist not to talk to her la! O: We talked about alot of things.It seems like we never run out of topic XD
Real friendship between male and female is very hard to come by.Normally people will find 'friends' from other gender is either they like that person, want to make use of that person, or simply just want that person to like himself/herself.It seems ridiculously but after loads of example, i think it's true afterall.
I think right, it's quite funny to have people saying,"Can I ask you a insensitive/ personal question?" For the sake of curiosity, people become insensitive (they used it themselves).But actually, I really prefer they just say out the question because that can-i-ask-a-insensitive-question makes me know what they are going to ask about anyway.
养兵千日.Thus, it takes at least 3 years to fully understand someone.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
那些爱与不爱 还在整理着
朋友说的 我微笑听着
爱情的剧本 原来就没规则
现在变不重要了 结局揭晓了
后来当朋友 你我也只是说说
我明白的 只是谁来导演呢
眼泪是我的 快乐都假的
如果爱被出卖 到最后非卖品有什么剩下
太好强 又太傻 受了伤
当赠品留下 包装的坚强
笑的那么自然 悲伤也放进橱窗
再倔强再不放 到最后被看穿一个人逞强
说不恨 是骗人
不舍转过身 不必回头的承认

WOOOO! Eastyle!
Top left: 丫(阿)美!!!
Right: 元太
Bottom left: 小草
Right: 秋凡
EMaths/Amaths Mock Paper after school for 3 days in a row! Lol Zzzzz Me don't like Amaths very much -O-
Lol Just now chatted with Nurmatha and she said one big rock talked to them.He said if you label A-Z using numbers(eg. A is 1, Z is 26), 'ATTITUDE' gives you 100%.
And if add 'LOVE' together, it only gives you 54%.So expectly, he said students shouldn't get into relationship now.
Excuse me, why are you married then?
Lol My name 'MARION' gives 70%!Trying very hard to find words that make up to 30.Afterall, 7 is my lucky number, & it's working again O: Scary....
(But it is freaking me out or making me happy?)
Haha Nurmatha and I love factorisation! :D
If things goes accordingly, Nurmatha and I will be staying in school tomorrow to study :D
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tell me what I need & what I want
(for better quality, please proceed to and search Beggars :D)
ㄚ美:我要唱永邦的歌 你是我最深愛的人
小草:嘿~~四個當中你最醜ㄟ 驚天動地
ㄚ美:現在請你們靜靜把心停下來 事實通通把他講明白
故事到了最後是悲傷 或著失敗 別人口中的窮 竟成眼中的壞
破洞褲子象徵窮人悲哀 這種悲哀 比不上心靈的障礙
心底的痛 誰能了"改" 辛苦背後難過竟是如此無奈
元太:我的寂寞 內心裡的空洞
自己的路 要做的事 我們的想法 有誰懂
秋凡:是我是我敢說敢作是我 在角落嘲笑虛偽臉孔
Tell me why年輕人不了解吃苦
你我你我 不同世界流走
我所有的幸福我已趕到滿足 早已看透錢買的紳士風度
愛慕虛榮 變什麼魔術 只會砸錢 外表裝酷 so what
ㄚ美:我不屑這種態度不羨慕 忌妒 記住 我的迅述 會有幫助
逃離凱子之路 一起奮力吃苦尋找美好畫面螢幕
在那裡聽不到 孤單和悲泣
ㄚ美:漫長路途 把夢想緊緊抱緊
心裡頭的疲憊 等待就是盼望
你們給的期望 等於我的希望
天使在身邊搖盪 走道人心徬徨
做人一切 需要你們來看
小草:從小到大 元太:夢想總是被懷疑
小草:這個現實 元太:社會多少是如此
小草:奮力一擊 能不能改變結局 元太:一切美好結局
小草:無所謂 我曾擁有貧窮的快樂
ㄚ美:舞台 地方 尋找已久幻想已久 這個機會跑不掉
命中早就已注定 元 美 秋 草 站在這 為未來加駐馬力開跑
秋凡:魅力持續在發燒 全身在燃燒 亞洲在呼叫
ㄚ美:華人的驕傲 就是我們的榮耀
小草:面對鏡頭大聲的咆哮 告訴大家這是我們的呼號
請與我們一起一起來引爆 視線圍繞看見群眾依靠
元太:讓我們套牢這個音調 舞道隨著靈魂節奏在奔跑
發現遊蕩之魂街頭亂取鬧 心中旋律不由自主隨著風飄
我們一起禱告 光彩無限閃耀~~
This is a damn damn nice song by 翼势力(eastyle)!
I know Eastyle is not popular is Singapore, but they have potential!They are much more talented than those bands you see now who are just popular by their faces and empty inside.Eastyle can sing, can choreography dance, can write lyrics, can act, can.....Aiyah!They just very talented jiu dui le!
Of course, one of the reason why I love this song is because the lyrics was written by AhMei!!! *cheeeeeerrsss!!*
Whenever I hear their songs, they bring back memories.The usual feeling when your memories are evoked.It cannot be described, is a mixture of emotions (sometimes you don't know whether to cry or not to cry), and a sense of familiarness that you don't even know what memories is brought back.
But there is one thing I know what I heard Beggars again some day this week, I was reminded of Sec 2 camp - - Cause that time I was going crazy over Eastyle,& I was so sad that go Sec 2 camp cannot listen to their songs that I dreamt of them in the first night of camp.But then, after that night, my attention was diverted to 'someone' else.One of the instructor which made me go high over for quite a long while and I made alot of people know that.D:
Enough of the songs and camps, let's talk about today !:D
Zhiying didn't come today so before recess I was self-entertaining.
Before recess was PE.Lol Joanne and I forgot to bring PE attire.& the 'punishment' was to organise the games.We just need to choose which group play with which and stuff!Wa I think it is the best punishment one can get la.LOL I LOVE MS HO!
Lol then doing recess Kendra was saying,"People marry for sex.I am conservative." Sound so ironic uh?But I still like the line, referring to teenagers,
"Guys give love for sex,
Girls give sex for love."
After recess JiongHan came to sit beside me, so I tried to teach him Amaths.Lol he also not very willing to learn so I was quite fed up with him.Scolded him alot of times.Oppps.I guess I am pretty mean today ):
Ohhh I mean everyday actually )):
Today call conversation with Nurmatha is as interesting as usual Lol.
Quoted from Nurmatha's blog:
I was talking to Marion LOH OH OH and then we started talking about proposals.
Me: I think that the most romantic place to propose at is the beach
Marion: The bed is better.
Lol And she laughed at me ): Somemore I said that cause I was lying on the bed.
There are much more funny things we said! But both of us forgets all.Maybe next time must record our conversation.Haha.
Ohhh.Lol That day JiaChyi accidentally cut out a piece of flesh from his left hand's middle finger.Damn pro.I think he doesn't know how to use a scissors.Lol.Cause his middle finger is bandaged thickly, it seems like he is pointing middle finger every now and then.Walking humour.
When comfort is given for the sake of proving one right, then it is not called comfort anymore.
I have decided to be determined! :DDDDDDD
PS: Does anyone know anybody's handphone number beginning with 9061???
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tired D:
Then today I was rushing my Literature essay correction thing, then JiongHan come and scare me.WTH.I didn't know I screamed until Zhiying said,"Eh you scream very loud lei!" I am already very tensed mentally then he still come and disturb me!!!So when he said,"Eh teach me maths!", I scolded him :D
Oh Emaths test on circle properties today.Sucks like total hell.Can't really focus and was taking twice to thrice the time as usual.LOL & I forgot how to write those properies in short forms, so I wrote all of it in my own words ._. Smart right!I hope Mrs Wai understand what properties I am using.
Zhiying has a fever so he didn't take the test.NOT FAIR.
I hate projects.I know I sucks at organising and leading the group la, but the physics project thing seriously never write what leader is gonna do.(Maybe I should just be frank and say, "Eh I suck as a leader please don't exchange roles with me.")I already assigned the tasks and asked people to send me everything so I can arranged and hand in the report.I already take initiative in trying to helps in other areas but I always didn't get the half-completed powerpoint slides.This project is like June Holiday project.That time I really couldn't do anything when my computer spoil.I suggested staying in school to do but no one wants to.We were actually suppose to present today and then it seems like only me and Zhiying know so Joanne never bring the thumbdrive.Then Syahmi wants to be the researcher in the first place, but he gave up after finding the wrong information.And Yay, I just realise after Zhiying sent Joanne the application thing and deleted the file in his computer, Joanne said she don't have it.Wooo!Ya I think we should be grateful Mr Lim Kuan Hock never kill us.
Okay I also know I am not very responsible also,& I know people who works with me before knows how I dislike that only a few people are doing the project.But what's the point in having project when only one person does it all?
I feel damn guilty.Mr Lim must be really disappointed in us D:
Okay at least I have complete the slides now!:D
Lol.Some day last week when I was chatting with Nurmatha, we talked about the word 'Oral'.At first we were talking about oral exam, but then later we were talking about what if OralB is named OralS.
That will be misleading.Haha.
There is suppose to be more things to blog about what we chatted since we chatted everyday, but I think she has past me the virus of STM.Sigh.
Anyone got watch the Channel 8 nine o'clock show!!! THE BABIES IS DAMN CUTE LA.Omg I love babies <3s! XD
Lol yesterday at Kbox we got sing this song.& I kept laughing at the MV.Apparently Mike He was invited to kiss only.
Mike He is one my idols :D
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Firstly,the theme of the day is "heels".But Veron couldn't find hers when she was about to go out, so ended with me and Wenyee looking taller than usual.Haha.
Secondly,our plan of the day couldn't be carried out.Cause we were already on Mrt, we went to Kbox instead.
Sigh.Maybe one's mood affect the surrounding.
Went to Marina Square's one.Lol I think the people working there are quite lazy.KStudent if you order coke or sprite is 'Free flow'.
& this is their free flow:
Walau!That's like 5 cups in a jug?!
Yesterday nearly killed Nurmatha on the phone.She had forgotten I was half-malaysian.
EOY in a weeks time.
Everyday I tell myself "I am going to revise today." But I still believe I will start revision someday. I don't think I can study Chemistry.It's both motivating and distracting at the same time.
I actually tried to encourage myself by awarding myself with things if I get good grades for each subject. But it doesn't work when you have no money to have the reward in the first place. Even if I don't achieved the target I want, if I have the money, I will still buy those 'rewards'.
Argh!What's the point in having examinations!
PS: Nurmatha is the only hope for my recent phobia.D:
Friday, September 12, 2008
Woooo.Thanks JiongHan for the 70% cocoa chocolate,& Zhiying for helping me buy Hershey's.
Hear my tone.Do I sound hyper?Nope.
I felt different overnight.I don't know why.Yesterday was like YAY, today is like SIGH.
Maybe suddenly alot of information came bombarding to me yesterday.But I believe I will be back to normal soon.I guess.
& it's affecting me so much that even after eating so much chocolate I am not high.Some more I don't really know what's affecting me.
Must be potassium reacting with water and caused an explosion in me.Must be.& some impurities mixed inside.
Today's Chemistry lesson Mr Damian said, "Potassium Iodide" & "Chlorine is very possessive so he snatches Potassium away from Iodine."
Hahaa,Valerie was damn excited about this.
I chose to refuse to make people choose people as though they are products in the supermarket.Humiliating.I don't like entertaining people.Especially those people I don't like very much in the very first place.Guys are not always the chooser.
PS: It's dumb to interpret what I say on my blog sometimes, because people always get the wrong idea of what the real situation is.I repeat, always.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Hohooo.I don't know why but I just can't resist blogging daily C:
Slept late last night D: So couldn't really concentrate in class today.Heeeee good game for physics! I don't know what the whole chapter of turning effect is talking about.
& haha, Zhiying brought food again.Today is Seaweed original!
Good for half-empty stomach before taking panadol!No gastric pain!
NgJiongHan The Stupid Stalker owns me alot of big meals lol.I helped him in Amaths homework when I could go home already!
&I felt like killing Ziyong today.Strength is not everything!
Lol now that I see XuanEr's tags, that reminds me of blogging about his fringe.On a Saturday, during a Cca before tuition, he accidentally 'cooked' his fringe while cooking food.SMART RIGHT.So he went to cut and now become short.
XuanEr don't kill me ;X
Haha Nurmatha changed spectacles but I haven't seen it ):
Lol Valerie and Nurmatha both dreamt about Potassium and me! Woooo! So coincidental!
Heee this few days during Chemistry lesson, whenever MrDamian mention elements like iodine, potassium, etc, it will be either Valerie asking,"eh marion!don't be soo excited!", or her saying,"Ohmygod, so excited! "
LOL.And Mr Damian says that Chlorine is suppose to be possessiveeeee.Chlorine....Lol!
Recently weird things are happening to me, things that I am not very comfortable with.Sighhhh!!!
Today is a oh-so-surprising&happy day XC
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Yayyy m&m dark chocolate XD
Aww tell me why am I not doing my homework, but online and blogging?):
Zzzzz I slept for 4 hours again.HOW TO SLEEP AT NIGHT.
Tsk tsk tsk, the world is changing.Like how I sleep in the day,it used to be guys who 'change heart', now girls are capable of doing so too!Things are upside down D:
HEEE BUT I AM HAPPY! XDDD Because I am not affected by any of the phenomenom.I am not affected by anything.Heeee.
Yesterday English tuition MrLim gave us some motivation quotes:
"Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly"
--Schuller, Robert H
and there is this quote in the washroom,
"Nature always takes her time. Great oaks don't become great overnight. They also lose a lot of leaves, branches and bark in the process of becoming great"
--Andrew Matthews
Lastly,word of the week
"Belles Lettres"
My own quote of the day,
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
I don't have schizophrenia.I don't know how to read minds.Lol.
I hate migraine!Do you like vomitting thrice in a week?Zzzzzzz!
Every challenge is a test.
Love can overcome them.
Love and friendship,
they failed.
Friendship becomes hostility,
no longer necessary to put on that mask to pretend you are friends.
Love becomes anonymity,
no longer know whom you once know(or thought to know).
Closed one eyes,
things may change gradually and become better.
Closed two eyes,
no,it's time to leave.
Seeing their happiness
all the awkward moments,
is worth it.
Left without reason,
I can't read mind.
Just at the right time,
I thought.
Fate manipulated,
things goes unexpectedly.
Killed hopes for you,
built some myself.
Time is a test,
not surprise,
Love failed.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Term 4 ):
Venue: Bugis Junction...'s toilet?
"Eh Wenyee what you doing over there!"
"Okay la, I know you want take picture with me.There you go!"
Came right home after school, and after using computer for alittle while, I went to sleep :D Cause right, I think the weather today is very weird.My body feel warm, but the surrounding feel cold.Lol & my mum told me I should be getting sick soon ._.?
HAHA.Looks like my curse work uh? Yesterday was telling IN2, I don't want go to school I want to be sick XD
BUT! After I woke up, I am perfectly fine already - -
Cause I slept till 7.30pm. Heeee.
I need motivation!!
I am not motivated to do my homework ): Sigh.
An optimist
is not denying facts to make yourself feel better,
accepting unpleasant facts with peace.
An perfectionist
is not going for what is seen as 'perfect',
having a neutral mindset and being easily contented.
is not escaping from things that affects you
maintaining balance in all situations.
should be
filled with love and happiness.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
郭靜 - 我不想忘記你
YAYYYY! Went to watch WALL.E with Wenyee @Westmall! XDD
Wall.e is damn cute! Must be pronounced as Waaal-leeyyyyy.
& his girlfriend,Eve, must be pronounced as, Eeeeeev-veaaaaa.
Save Earth :D
My reflection (:
Tom&Stefanie! We went ga-ga over all the toys there.Which further prove that we are deprived of a normal childhood.
Wenyee went around enthusiatically, saying "I am finding my childhood."
This is a rabbit, right?
Know what Wenyee say?
(after looking at it for a few minutes)
"Ehhh!This one where got look like rabbit!This look like dogg la!!"
My dear Wenyee, dogs does not have two loooonngggg ears.
Cute right!
Almost died of hyperness on seeing this turtle.Its bloody cute!XDDDDD
I speak The Truth, The Whole Truth, Nothing But the Truth.Lol.Thus, I hereby declare that Wenyee's assumption is wrong.Toooooo wronggg!!!!
Heeee But I still have the rights to doubt you back XDDDD
Nurmatha is Loveee (:
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Tell me why am I repeating other people's mistake instead.
I was looking for photos to upload.& just realise that this photo I didn't upload it before! D: Heeee love chem practical!XD
Lol today's visit to IMH is....fruitless (quoted from Zifeng). If you want to link it to Off centre, I think its useless too.
Generally, without linking to Off centre, its not very useful either?
But its okay! Went to have lunch with Nurmatha @ Lot1 PastaMania.Lol.Halfway through saw Eileen meeting Irene there.After leaving PastaMania we went to walk around.
Think there is something wrong with me.Lol.I always feel static when there is any skin contact with other people in an air con room place,
while those people remain safe and sound....
Then we went to explore one part of Singapore XD
Oh I forgot to mention I saw OngQinLi in IMH.As in BukitBatokSec also got go ma.& lol, he pretended not to seee me! (Okay maybe cause I didn't say hi or what.heee XP)
It's cold today D:
Potassium is nothing.
Nothing destroys me.
PS: Sorry Nurmatha, for stealing the word "nothing" to use for a little while.
I want to see potassium and oxygen exploding together XD
Monday, September 01, 2008
It's a happy day!
When something unexpected happens, it means humour in literature. Tell me why I am not laughing.
Lol.Nurmatha is a sadist!DDD:
Yay.Today Wenyee & I got to Takashimaya without getting lost! *cheers*
I shall boycott Facebook! The buying of pets thing is stupid!& You need to log in alot of time to have a lot of money then you can buy whoever you want. Then I bought some pets, then other people buy over and make me poorer.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Apple boost lung capacity XD
你不懂我的心 (国语)-Linda Chung
Tell me why this line sound soooooo familiar.
& that was my personal message yesterday.Thanks man.